(WSB photo from Wednesday, looking toward the west side of California/Lander intersection)
We promised a followup when we had new information about the Admiral crash that injured a toddler and his nanny on Wednesday afternoon, near Lafayette Elementary and Hiawatha park. Today, police confirmed that the driver who hit them was cited for failure to yield right of way; that word from Seattle Police media unit Det. Mark Jamieson. Harborview Medical Center, to which the two victims were taken after the crash, is unable to provide information without the victims’ names, which we don’t have. But as often happens, the comment section on our original story has yielded information. This account of the crash, from Jon, is not disputed by police – as our photo (above) showed, the crosswalk was the collision scene. The story is also related, along with updates on the victims, in this comment from Brooke:
The nanny was dropping off my daughter and the little girl she watches at gymnastics. She then left with the 21 month old brother to go to the park. They crossed at the intersection when it said walk. The yellow smart car turned without yielding. The nanny was holding the little boy’s hand and picked him up immediately when she saw they were going to get hit and pushed him out of the way. He suffered some head and eye damage but was able to come home today. The nanny severely damaged her leg and had surgery last night. She will not be able to put weight on it for 3 months and her leg will never be the same. The parents feel that their little boy would not be here without the nanny. We love this family dearly and hope that things strengthen faster than they are supposed to. Please send out your prayers and thoughts, especially for the nanny that is going to have a really rough next few months.