‘Everybody is aging, so everybody should care’: Take this survey

From West Seattleite Irene Stewart, who’s an aging/disability services (ADS) planner with the city:

Every four years, ADS prepares a new Area Plan on Aging for King County, which guides our work. As we prepare to draft a new plan for 2012 through 2015, we need to hear from Seattle and King County residents. We invite residents of all ages to complete an online questionnaire. We especially encourage people who are age 60 or older, adults with disabilities, and family caregivers to respond.

Click here to take the survey. Irene adds, “Everybody is aging, so everybody should care.’

4 Replies to "'Everybody is aging, so everybody should care': Take this survey"

  • Cascadianeone March 22, 2011 (6:20 pm)

    I was disgusted with the methodology of this survey. Question 11, for instance, asked: “””During the past year, how often did you or other adults in your household ever cut the size of your meals or skip a meal because there wasn’t enough money for food?””” It does NOT have a response option for never cutting back on food due to poverty. I had to select “OTHER” and write a comment to inform them that I was ALWAYS well-fed! Poor methodology like this is why I always question the “hunger” and “manutrition” statistics people bandy about. Food is cheap and abundant; there are a multitude of programs to help people and it chaps my hide to see such a reckless misuse of our tax money for a slanted survey like this. Seniors are almost certainly not starving en masse, but anyone wanna take a few stabs as to what the survey will find? I know government always tries to promote itself and grow, but this is pathetic.

  • Brontosaurus March 23, 2011 (12:43 am)

    You’re right. I gave up half way through because it’s so poorly worded and designed. Speaking as a member of Generation X, I’m really hoping the Baby Boomers will change the way seniors are perceived (that’s already happening) and help to put some good healthcare and senior-living solutions in place. We’re counting on you Boomers!

    • WSB March 23, 2011 (1:07 am)

      Thanks to those who have at least tried to take the survey – I should say since there have been a few comments, I took it and have provided feedback as well, on one of the points mentioned earlier here, and also on the fact that the Internet was not listed as an option (aside from the space for “Other”) for where you procure information … both of your co-publishers here are 50+ and we know there are many WSBers our age or considerably older, and their presence here indicates they’re not techphobes! – TR

  • Just60 March 23, 2011 (11:56 am)

    Hi all. I took the survey and found it fine/easy once you know that if there isn’t an appropriate answer–to fill one in it’s comment section. It’s obvious they want every question answered. It looks like it could be updated (“got my info from the internet”, for example.) But we/I don’t know yet what the resulting info is for. I’m glad some attention is being paid to the aging process and how to make it easier when aging.

Sorry, comment time is over.