Your next chance to learn the do’s and don’ts of calling 911

If you see or suspect anything suspicious, call 911. You’ve heard that from local police leaders time and time again. Yet there’s still confusion about when to call, or even concern if it sounds like the 911 dispatcher isn’t taking you seriously. So here’s another chance to hear from the experts – and ask your questions – at Tuesday night’s West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network meeting (note, EVERYONE is welcome):

When should I call 9-1-1? What should I say? Can I text 9-1-1? What do I do if they don’t take me seriously? What happens after I hang up? Should I call even if I think someone else has already called?

The February meeting of the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network will focus on the 9-1-1 system. Our guest speaker will be Kayreen Lum from King County 9-1-1. She will cover 9-1-1 basics, how to use it effectively, explain how the information is processed through the system and discuss future technologies. Our own CPT Officer, Jonathan Kiehn, will also be there to add his perspective and field questions about what the police do with information from a 9-1-1 call.

We invite everyone throughout the SW Precinct (even if you aren’t a Blockwatch Captain) to attend and improve your skills!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 6:30-8 PM
SW Police Precinct, 2300 SW Webster Street (at Delridge, next to Home Depot)

Find out more about WSBWCN at its website and/or on Facebook.

5 Replies to "Your next chance to learn the do's and don'ts of calling 911"

  • lenguamor February 20, 2011 (3:48 pm)

    Hey, here’s an idea: Teach 911 Operators to be less dismissive and not to sound as though they’re looking for reasons to avoid addressing your concern.

  • Been There February 20, 2011 (6:59 pm)

    @ Lenguamor – Go to the meeting & ask your question. You may be surprised at the answer.

  • Paul February 21, 2011 (1:05 am)

    ok , bad guy breaks into my house. Do I pick up my winchester or the phone to dial 911. hmmmmm let me think about this and get back to you.

  • Michelle February 21, 2011 (8:40 am)

    WSB- Will you be summarizing this helpful meeting for those of us who are unable to go?

    Thank you!

    • WSB February 21, 2011 (9:39 am)

      Yes, we’ll be covering it, but for those who CAN come, please don’t let that stop you … we do the best job we can hitting the highlights, but if you are able to be there, you might hear something that speaks to you or your experience directly, which we might not include … plus you can ask questions! – TR

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