(Photo by Melissa Edwards)
Presidents Day was no holiday for some local families who traveled to Olympia to advocate for education funding – amid a continuing budget crunch. Schmitz Park Elementary PTA President Fiona Preedy shared a report:
West Seattleites were well represented at the PTA Focus Day held in Olympia on Presidents Day, with Gatewood, Schmitz Park, and Lafayette parents rallying to ask legislators to better fund K-12 education.
Thanks to all the families that gathered, chanted, and made the rounds of legislators. Gatewood families – Erika Schreder and Greg Peters with Hannelore and Sarah, and Grace Bennett with her son Henry and his friend Elias; Schmitz Park families – Emily Carlson with Oliver, Emily, and Oscar, Melissa Edwards with her son Keaton, Fiona Preedy with Rowan and Aidan; Lafayette’s Lisa Schubert and her daughter Mai Li.
We had a great time, learned a lot about how government works, and we hope that we had an impact on how Olympia views funding our children’s education.
If you’d like to know more – here’s the Washington State PTA page about budget advocacy. If you want to support the cause, here’s what Schmitz Park PTA legislative chair Naheed Nizam advises:
Contact Sen. Sharon Nelson, Rep. Eileen Cody and Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon and ask them not to impose any further cuts on K-12 funding. In addition … remind our legislators that “It is the paramount duty of the state to make ample provision for education of all children residing within its borders, without distinction or preference on account of race, color, caste, or sex” – Washington State Constitution, Article 9, Section 1.
Links to all three legislators’ pages – with their contact info – can be found here.