West Seattle Crime Watch: Mystery find; vandalism; stolen bike

Recognize any of that? It turned up night before last on Cheryl’s parking strip – left there while she was away for just a few hours. It appears to be the interior of a Honda. That’s one of three West Seattle Crime Watch reports out of the WSB inbox … this next one is from Howard:

Just wanted to let you guys know that sometime (Friday) night, our Nissan Xterra’s back window was smashed. It looks like it was a random act of vandalism because nothing was stolen, they didn’t even to attempt to open up any doors. The car was parked on the street in front of my house at 29th Ave SW and Cloverdale.

And from Adam via Twitter:

Bike theft, Hanford between 44th/45th this afternoon. Left my garage door open; when I came home around 6, my white Raleigh road bike was gone. … white Raleigh Record Ace with black custom fenders, head- and taillight.

Side note: Do you have a Block Watch? One last time before Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Benjamin Kinlow retires, he’s leading a blockwatch-captain training event that’s being organized by the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network. It’ll be on March 7; full details here.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Mystery find; vandalism; stolen bike"

  • seaviewer February 20, 2011 (9:40 am)

    Adam – I saw a man riding a mountain bike yesterday around 3pm pulling a nice looking white bicycle with black fenders along beside him at the southeast corner of West Seattle High School. He was heading north on Walnut and took a left onto the dead end street that goes to the back SE corner of the HS. Shorter Latino guy with a ball cap.

  • MargL February 20, 2011 (10:52 am)

    Hmmm – if there’s a cargo hatch cover for a Honda Civic hatchback in that pile I’ll take it! Our was taken in a break in a month ago or so. And our ashtray.

  • Adam February 21, 2011 (9:51 am)

    Seaviewer – thank you. I’ve filed a police report and will update it w/ this info.

    A tip to anyone who owns a bike and wants to keep it: write down the ID number that’s usually located on the underside, near the bottom bracket.

    Oh, yeah: and it helps to close the garage door.

  • furor scribendi February 22, 2011 (2:38 pm)

    Howard – your blown out / broken out back window is the same as what happened on 32nd Ave between Thistle and Barton a few weekends ago. Five+ cars got that treatment, thought to be shot out by a pellet gun. Please make a police report, as we and others did, so the SPD can connect the dots (no pun intended) if they run across the perp. Believe it or not, this is the kind of thing that can escalate into more dangerous shooting targets like people, so best to file a report! Thanks!!

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