West Seattle snow: Tuesday night road/weather updates

(11 PM TOPLINE: Trouble reported on many West Seattle hills; stalled buses reported, and Metro says all buses are on snow routes. Forecast still says this will switch to rain before you wake up tomorrow. Scroll down for newest info/pictures)

(Refresh for latest images: From left, ‘Walking on Logs’ area, WS Bridge east of 35th, west entrance ‘low bridge’)
8:08 PM: About half an inch of snow on the ground – and on cars (our unscientific measurement above) – in The Junction, where we just left a meeting:

By all accounts, including Facebook and Twitter, it’s snowing pretty much everywhere in West Seattle. En route back to HQ. Bill reports he just saw a salt truck go by at Marine View and 102nd. Keep the snow reports coming!

8:18 PM: Heading slowly southbound on California SW. Now south of The Junction – it’s sticking, albeit lightly and quite driveably so far, on California. The snow is still steady, but not falling that heavily.

8:34 PM: Made it back to HQ. Going up the California SW hill south of Morgan Junction was fine – as long as you drive slowly – the usual snow advice for hills. Meantime, Richard e-mails to say that even by the water, Brace Point area, there’s up to about half an inch on the ground. From High Point, Jennifer tweeted this photo of her dogs out in the snow (Jessie and JoJo):

From Puget Ridge via Facebook, Christina says about an inch of snow has fallen:

No recent forecast updates, but within an hour or so we should hear what the National Weather Service thinks about the prospects this will progress the way most had predicted, with rain arriving overnight.

9:07 PM UPDATE: Added traffic cameras at the top of this item – and a photo immediately above, looking down at Jefferson Square entrance on 42nd, via Twitter from Cindy. Also getting an update on Junction conditions, from Christopher Boffoli: “1-2 inches on the ground here now. No evidence this section of Cali has been salted. People fishtailing and spinning out. Traffic is actually pretty heavy too. Every bus I’ve seen has had chains. They seem to be OK.” That coincides with an advisory just in from SDOT, saying they’re “transitioning to plowing roads.” Also a note from our snow-country-raised co-publisher, who’s heading uphill from lower Fauntleroy: This is “dry” snow.

9:26 PM UPDATE: Co-publisher reports people stuck and spinning out on the California SW hill south of Morgan Junction (as does Kae via comments) and sent this photo:

We also have a report of bus trouble – two of them – on SW Barton in Westwood/Roxhill area – thanks to Dana for this view:

9:49 PM UPDATE: More photos coming in. First, Trick caught this screen grab from one of the SDOT cameras we have “live” atop this story – the “Walking on Logs” spot alongside the southwestbound Fauntleroy end of the West Seattle Bridge – he points out the salt/sand truck!

And from Charles, a look along Avalon, toward SW Yancy (and WSB sponsor Stor-More) on the east side of the street:

Meantime, via Twitter, @reallowvibe warns that the Admiral hill is trouble now too. Again, just about every hill should be avoided right now, unless you happen to have seen a plow. It’s still snowing steadily out there, and the wind direction has not changed in the direction that would portend this ending any time soon. And from Cindi on the SW Morgan hill between 35th SW and Morgan Junction – “From the top of the hill, I’ve already seen cars going down have serious problems, it’s very slick. A police car was spinning his wheels going up – that was about an hour ago.”

10 PM UPDATE: Metro says all buses are now on snow routes. National Weather Service still promises rain by the time you wake up tomorrow:


10:31 PM UPDATE: Two video clips in from WSB’ers – top, that’s Alex’s view of The Bridge from the west; next, a view from Fairmount:

Snowflakes are getting bigger here, which our resident snow expert says means the snow’s getting wetter – which would have to happen before the predicted turn-to-rain …

11 PM UPDATE: That photo from Keva shows a plow just south of The Junction. We’ve also heard about a plow sighting in the Alki area. Plus, another bus problem – the westbound 56 reported stalled atop the eastern Admiral Way hill, around 37th and Admiral.

11:25 PM UPDATE: Before the snow makes way for rain – there’s a fun photo – Laura Matheson says her kids Julia and Rebecca were ready to start building a snowman as of about 9 pm, with two inches by then on “High Point Hill.” Looking outside, we seem to have between 2″ and 3″ here in Upper Fauntleroy, but sleet is starting to creep in with the snow – you can hear the precipitation now, and pure snow is usually fairly quiet. But we all saw some, even Beach Drive, where Linda Ann took this photo:

The major concern we’ll be watching for the morning commute … how fast will this all wash away? SDOT’s been working hard on the West Seattle Bridge, so even if there’s still snow around your house, there’s some hope the major commute routes will be OK in the morning.

12:47 AM: We’ll be starting an overnight report shortly, to cover the hours till the morning commute. Meantime, lots of plow and sander activity here by headquarters – have heard the trucks go by numerous times. And a few more photos to share – thanks to SA for Alki’s Lady Liberty, the frosted version, above. (added) We caught one of the plows westbound on Thistle to northbound California; it continued to work California, back and forth, even the non-arterial section south of California, for a while thereafter:

66 Replies to "West Seattle snow: Tuesday night road/weather updates"

  • toddinwestwood January 11, 2011 (8:17 pm)

    Out playing in it. Making snow angels and snowballs.

  • M January 11, 2011 (8:29 pm)

    First time in 8 years there has been a salt truck on 102nd and MVD mid-storm. Usually it comes by 3 or 4 days later! Impressive.

  • stacy January 11, 2011 (8:35 pm)

    Just turned on my Christmas lights!

  • Diane January 11, 2011 (8:40 pm)

    lots of snow in Admiral; streets covered in white

  • carl January 11, 2011 (8:44 pm)

    how is 35th avenue between alaska and hudson going up hill?

  • Jamino January 11, 2011 (8:48 pm)

    OMG! Must savor da snow!

  • kae January 11, 2011 (8:59 pm)

    two cars stuck on the California Ave SW hill south of Morgan junction. some cars are still making it up that hill though.

  • LKRN January 11, 2011 (9:05 pm)

    I live on Marine View Drive around the sharp turn from 35th and the road is COVERED

  • Kristina January 11, 2011 (9:05 pm)

    My daughter can’t sleep because of the excitement, and the fear that the beautiful snow will be gone when she wakes up. Fingers crossed that the forecast for rain will change…

  • CitizenR January 11, 2011 (9:07 pm)

    35th and Alaska … depends on your car! Slippery not icy yet! If your going to the Mount, Hudson isn’t the street to take! if you turn at top of Alaska Hill (can’t remember the strret name) then go to 37th side and easy to get in lot.

  • Daffodil January 11, 2011 (9:09 pm)

    I was just outside, 35th and Webster, blowing snow!!!!!

  • bsmomma January 11, 2011 (9:14 pm)

    I really really really reeeeaaaaalllly want a snow day tomorrow! It’s so pretty!

  • Stina January 11, 2011 (9:14 pm)

    Just drove home to White Center from Ballard via 99 and 509. There was just a dusting up north, with no real slick spots. The Aurora bridge was clear, with no ice. It got progressively worse as I headed south.
    After downtown on 99, the snow on the road was enough to slow down most cars, but no real sliding. East Marginal Way had at least 1/4 of an inch, but no major issues or stalled vehicles yet. No visible road markers, so watch out. I did see one car slide on the First Ave bridge, a pick-up truck with 4 wheel drive, but the truck was going too fast trying to pass someone.
    No issues on 509 yet. The Roxbury exit/hill had about 1/2 inch on the road and the lines/markers were not visible. No stalled vehicles either.
    The major thing to watch out for are vehicles not equipped for driving in the snow. I saw a lot of almost accidents in White Center, because of cars sliding and the lack of road markers.
    Drive safely everyone!

  • BB January 11, 2011 (9:15 pm)

    Just came down Fauntleroy Way and turned onto Cloverdale…slid all over the place, but made it home safe.

  • kae January 11, 2011 (9:15 pm)

    the California Ave SW hill south of Morgan junction is a bit of a mess now. several cars stuck, several sliding around to try to turn back. just a few four wheel drives are making it.

    • WSB January 11, 2011 (9:20 pm)

      Thanks, Kae. Just got that report from the co-publisher, too …

  • Steph January 11, 2011 (9:15 pm)

    I just drove from basically Luna Park Cafe to 35th and Avalon, all the way up 35th to the top of the hill at Webster. My car is all wheel drive. I was fine. However, a few cars could not make it up 35th and many were slipping and sliding their way up. I can see the pile of abandoned cars starting all ready.

  • d January 11, 2011 (9:17 pm)

    There was a sanding truck southbound on 9th in Highland Park about 15 minutes ago. Also, saw an unchained #23 moving at a confident pace. Most cars are traveling at a reasonable speed.

    It’s pretty.

  • mj January 11, 2011 (9:20 pm)

    Perfect “snowstorm”. Starts in the evening and gone by morning (I hope). Sure am glad it’s not like what Atlanta and the Northeast are getting! We have nothing to complain about with this one.

  • eyeye January 11, 2011 (9:30 pm)

    Here in the Triangle the wet snow is accumulating. There was a bus stuck on 35th just south of Alaska for a while but it seems to have gained some traction now.
    A special “WTF are you doing?” to the clown in the Toyota 4WD pickup who’s decided this is the best time to show his girl that he can drive like Bo Duke. He tried to climb our street (36th) but couldn’t make it more than 100 yds. Now he’s doing clutch-drops on Alaska. Beware of a dark-colored Toy with a lift, and chrome rocker plates.

  • Derek January 11, 2011 (9:33 pm)

    Just came from Magnolia to West Seattle via 99 and high bridge.
    First off, bridge headed EAST is terrible, many spin outs and accidents.

    West is fine, nothing stranded as of 10 mins ago. It’s been sanded, but the tracks where people are driving are getting icy.
    I’m in 4wheel, but I saw several 2 wheel drive cars doing fine (and one 4wheel sliding around).
    Came down Alaska/glenn way to 47th to Charlestown.
    Not sanded on any side streets, about 2-3 inches of snow.

  • The Velvet Bulldog January 11, 2011 (9:33 pm)

    Just got home after white-knuckle driving from Lynnwood. The intersection at Morgan/California is a bit hairy.

    Oh, BTW–QUIT FREAKING TAIL-GATING! It will NOT make me go faster!

  • en January 11, 2011 (9:35 pm)

    Just came up Avalon from Alki and there’s a stuck bus and a bunch of FWD/RWD cars sliding around. With 4WD we were OK. Be safe!

  • Diane January 11, 2011 (9:41 pm)

    now my car is parked safely on street, near bottom of hill; but just watched a van try to go up my street (Hinds) from 37th, and start to slide, then slip & slide back down hill; I was praying they would not slip back into my car; now I’m afraid to go to sleep; don’t want to wake up to my car crashed by some idiot who may try again to go up our street
    watching fair amount of traffic on 37th, many sliding even on flat; snow getting deeper, no tire marks visible anymore
    but my windows are dripping wet, so hope to god this all washes away soon

  • Eric January 11, 2011 (9:45 pm)

    Staying in tonight but there is about 1.5 to 2″ of snow in Arbor Heights. Pretty to look at.

  • buddsmom January 11, 2011 (9:47 pm)

    9:46 and over an inch in Arbor Heights and still coming down like gangbusters!

  • eileen January 11, 2011 (9:48 pm)

    There’s about 1″ of snow at 51st and Hudson. The wind is really picking up and it’s snowing much harder than before.The temp is showing at 32 deg F which is much lower than at dinner time.
    Really pretty – but hard to get a picture of when you are standing outside!

  • zenarcher January 11, 2011 (9:51 pm)

    It is lovely. So much lovlier than grey rain. From N Admiral. Peace!

  • Mike January 11, 2011 (9:58 pm)

    Wet, extremely slippery snow on our little hilly street off Admiral. Hope the rain comes soon, or we’ll be stuck here in the morning. I cannot walk up our driveway right now, after sliding all the way down in my boots.

  • melanie January 11, 2011 (9:58 pm)

    Just got back from hill on california, thats me in the picture! Thank you so much for help putting the chains on my car to the man in front of me, you’re awesome!

  • miws January 11, 2011 (10:00 pm)

    That part of Barton, in the pic above, is a tough one for buses in these weather conditions. They have to negotiate a rather tight right turn, plus it’s around the start of a significant incline.


    It’s part of the regular route for the 54 and 560, and part of the snow route for the 22, which normally runs up Gatewood Hill.


    Might make one wonder if it’s worth it to re-route the 22, if there’s a good chance it’ll get stuck at that spot, or elsewhere along steep, windy, Barton, on the way to 35th. But, I can speak from experience, from the snow we had four years ago, that buses sometimes get stuck on Gatewood Hill as well.



  • CMP January 11, 2011 (10:05 pm)

    I made it home from the bowling alley via Fauntleroy then up Morgan to the water towers. I thought the roads were fine at 9:15, but cars were definitely struggling up Morgan, even near the bottom of the hill. My apologies to the Audi wagon I passed by, but I had momentum and good traction and didn’t want to get stuck on that hill. Made it up 37th with no problem, but I’ll give credit to AWD for that!

  • miws January 11, 2011 (10:05 pm)

    Funny how the snow can mess with your mind. It gives the illusion that the image in Trick’s screengrab is the same as the image in Charles’ Avalon pic! :P



  • onceachef January 11, 2011 (10:08 pm)

    so where is our “preparedness”? Did the snow plow you showed earlier ever move from that spot? What about deicer? Seattle just can’t get it right…sheesh.

  • create1212 January 11, 2011 (10:09 pm)

    Just drove from Capitol Hill to W Seattle-came down 2nd & Columbia-wasn’t too bad; the bridge seemed fine too. I live near 41st and Alaska- Saw a couple of cars stalled on Alaska, but most cars (including mine) made it just fine. I took it really slow, the whole way from Cap Hill, just in case I hit some slippery patches of ice. No one seemed to mind my 20-30mph!

    • WSB January 11, 2011 (10:11 pm)

      Thanks, miws, fixed

  • transplantella January 11, 2011 (10:15 pm)

    Mr. Transplantella usually home at 10 PM from downtown on the 54 bus. Not home yet. :-(

    Any word on Metro transit?

  • Paul January 11, 2011 (10:17 pm)

    this is my favorite time to go grocery shopping

  • karin January 11, 2011 (10:19 pm)

    any word on possible seattle school closures tomorrow?

    • WSB January 11, 2011 (10:52 pm)

      Reply to Karin: Nope, no decisions made yet. I am pretty sure they will wait till the traditional 4 am drivearound before doing that. We will be here “live” in those early early hours, too, and will have the district’s decision whenever they make it – that’s about when Metro will make their routing decision, too.. Hmm, snow lightening up a bit … TR

  • Diane January 11, 2011 (10:23 pm)

    just watched Walter’s forecast, for rain coming soon, and 46 tomorrow; feel much better now

    • WSB January 11, 2011 (10:53 pm)

      Diane – If WALTER said it (W. Kelley from my last TV station – excellent meteorologist), then I believe it! Still hard to imagine, looking outside at all that snow, but if you’ve been in the Northwest a while, you know that’s a more typical pattern than snow falling and staying a while … TR

  • Lisa January 11, 2011 (10:23 pm)

    Just got rescued from just off 35th and Barton, slid down and managed to screech to a halt in a driveway and off the road. Had to abandon my vehicle, many apologies (and a note with my info, if you’re reading!) The number 54 bus was stuck behind my vehicle, after speaking to the driver she said she’s on a waiting list to be rescued and may have to wait up to 5 hrs. A friend was able to come get me, thankfully I’m home safe. Hope the rain pours and I can go retrieve my vehicle :(

  • Eric January 11, 2011 (10:25 pm)

    Transplantella. Looks like the 54 is at Roxbury and 35th (hopefully your 10:00 bus). Otherwise the other 54’s are still downtown. You can check the metro tracker (with the bad weather caveat).

  • JN January 11, 2011 (10:30 pm)

    Biked with snow tires, made it up Admiral Hill, no problem-o! Saw a lot of cars spinning out, though…

  • Lil Wash January 11, 2011 (10:41 pm)

    Just came down Roxbury onto Delridge. Couple of cars not making it up the hill to 35th and there were a couple of cars stuck on top of Delridge & Henderson. Drive safe everyone

  • elisabeth fredericksen January 11, 2011 (10:42 pm)

    2.5″ on the back deck! Can’t believe all this will “be gone” by morning.

  • islewrite January 11, 2011 (10:45 pm)

    West Bound #56 Metro coach is stopped in the center or left lane at 37th and Admiral.

  • islewrite January 11, 2011 (10:49 pm)

    Cars ARE able to get by the stuck #56 in the right-hand lane. Recommend just “going for it”–don’t hesitate by the viewpoint or you might have trouble.

  • smw January 11, 2011 (10:49 pm)

    63rd between Alki and Admiral was plowed about 45 minutes ago. Honestly I was a little suprised to see the plow down here since my street is flat, but good to see the city is paying attention to us over here on the West Side.

  • LyndaB January 11, 2011 (10:58 pm)

    Been home for two hrs but wanted to add an observation following a car uphill on 35th. I really appreciate drivers who use their signals because if you don’t it looks like you’re swerving back and forth Like you don’t know what you’re doing–especially on snow. Just saying… I don’t want to be behind you.

  • Josh January 11, 2011 (11:03 pm)

    Since I’m no meteorologist (and stuck downtown with a front-wheel drive), is the rain a good thing (melts away ice?) or a bad thing (freezes?). I’m trying to figure out how soon I can attempt the Admiral hill and then down to alki from downtown.

  • Rob January 11, 2011 (11:03 pm)

    METAR KBFI 120653Z 14007KT 2SM -SN BR FEW016 OVC028 01/M01 A2989 RMK AO2 SLP121 P0002 T00111011

  • motorzen January 11, 2011 (11:09 pm)

    Cliff Mass (as of 10:30) says it’s already warming up aloft @ 2500 feet and that warmth is dropping to the surface, so it’ll be raining and melting the snow soon.


  • transplantella January 11, 2011 (11:16 pm)

    Mr. Transplantella home, well and safe. An hour and fifteen minutes late, but all fine.

    He said the 54 bus driver who picked them up downtown refused to drive the viaduct, went this way and that, had no chains, and did not expect the bus to make it from the ferry dock up Barton hill and on to White Center where transit was reportedly waiting with chains for the bus.

    For me all’s well. For Metro it appears to be more of the same old same old.

  • smw January 11, 2011 (11:20 pm)

    @ Josh It’s turning to rain on Alki, if you are coming from downtown take Harbor Ave to Alki instead of Admiral, just a suggestion.

  • rob January 11, 2011 (11:21 pm)

    josh: why not just take harbor ave to get to alki and avoid admiral altogether?

  • Que January 11, 2011 (11:50 pm)

    Plow sighting Northbound on 35th in the Westwood area

  • JanS January 12, 2011 (12:20 am)

    oh, wow…warmed up to 35 degrees…one more log on the fire :)

  • charlabob January 12, 2011 (1:16 am)

    As long as it stays above freezing, we can all relax. I can only imagine (if I eat too my spicy food) what it would be like here with freezing rain on top of snow.

  • judy January 12, 2011 (1:41 am)

    been home since 9ish(felt like wanna left some comment here so here i came).. it took me more than 30min. to drive from Delridge Way SW/ SW Oregon to 18th ave (usually, is a 5 min. drive for me).. the problem with the hills we had up here makes the regular route #125 buses stuck .. and the bus driver who decide to stay there not moving ask me while i slowly drive up and meets the other bus make sure to tell the bus driver which trying to come down hills that turn and reroute it… after all … it takes for while allowing me to slowly driving and made home safe)
    oh.. snow .. what have you done to west Seattle?

  • Paul January 12, 2011 (2:06 am)

    looks like a mix now, mostly rain

  • Andy January 12, 2011 (7:56 am)

    Wow, Rob, dropping a Boeing field METAR on us? Nice.

  • dawsonct January 12, 2011 (9:20 am)

    I notice that SeaDOT still calls it the West Seattle Freeway.
    That’s good enough for ME!

    • WSB January 12, 2011 (9:27 am)

      oh dear GOD don’t bring that up again …

  • josh January 12, 2011 (11:21 am)

    @Rob and SMW

    Yeah, that was my plan of attack in November and it worked just fine. I was actually initially more concerned about making it over the bridges, so I ended up waiting til 4 when there was plenty of rain and the trip was easy peasy. Thanks for the advice!

Sorry, comment time is over.