West Seattle holiday scenes: Bakery Nouveau, Admiral Pub

With just one week till Christmas Eve, we checked out four West Seattle holiday events tonight. First: Bakery Nouveau‘s open house in The Junction – packed house, of course, but then again, that happens most regular days too. The renowned bakery’s two-hour event offered holiday-treat samples and the chance to place pre-orders (which they’re taking till next Tuesday, according to the BN Facebook page). Over in the Admiral District, the party’s still under way at Admiral Pub, where they’re playing poker, celebrating “ugly sweaters,” and most important of all, collecting diapers – Adele explained it for us on video:

As Adele mentioned, Admiral Pub is collecting diapers through the end of the month – about three-fourths of the way to the 6,000-diaper goal as the night began, but you can bet they’d love nothing more than to far exceed the goal, so drop off diapers there even if you can’t make it to tonight’s festivities.

2 Replies to "West Seattle holiday scenes: Bakery Nouveau, Admiral Pub"

  • sam-c December 18, 2010 (4:30 pm)

    three cheers for the Bakery Nouveau open house! We were there just in time (even though we had forgotten about it). We sampled so many tasty treats. it was fun to watch people’s faces as they walked in and realized the open house was going on. more good food kept coming out on huge trays…I wish I had room for it all…thank you bakery nouveau and staff for your friendly holiday hospitality !!!

  • Seattle guy December 21, 2010 (6:54 pm)

    Great job admiral. I’ll be dropping a check for 100.00 off from my work tomorrow. Kudos to ownership and management I hear they offer free thanksgiving and Christmas eve dinner too! Nice to hear the local business giving back. Happy holidays.

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