A source close to West Seattle Nursery wanted to share this story because, they explained, WSN owner Mark Smith is not one for horn-blowing: Mark went to the Holy Rosary Christmas Tree Lot the Monday before Christmas, two days before the lot planned to close, and found out they still had 200 trees left – perhaps because of their new, off-the-beaten-path location. He offered to take some of the trees and sell them for the school; the source says WSN sold 26 trees and wrote HR a check for $607 – full proceeds from the sale, with WSN donating the labor not only to complete the sale but to give the trees a fresh cut and tie them onto buyers’ cars. HR donates 15 percent of its tree sales to charity, so that meant about $91 for charity, too. Concluded the source: “I just wanted to let you know this because it’s another story about why West Seattle is such a great place to live … the people.”
West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday