Traffic alert: Another West Seattle Bridge crash

Just take this as a general alert about The Bridge, and everywhere else – there have been multiple crashes so far today and another one is working right now – Scott C sent first word; it’s parallel with Nucor, on the eastbound side. Hard to tell how bad and how long till it’s cleared, but we’re heading over to have a look. 3:57 PM UPDATE: Scott C says in comments that it’s affecting westbound traffic too. 4:52 PM UPDATE: We looked at that spot on the bridge, and the Fauntleroy entrance, and neither appears impeded, so it appears this has cleared.

15 Replies to "Traffic alert: Another West Seattle Bridge crash"

  • scott c October 25, 2010 (3:56 pm)

    It’s also affecting westbound traffic as the jersey barricade is in the left west bound lane and there is a Seattle police car blocking that lane at that point.

    The accident seems to be two pickup trucks that were east bound when then accident occurred.

    • WSB October 25, 2010 (3:57 pm)

      Thanks for the update! Bridge cams not reliably working and that’s kind of a camless spot anyway … TR

  • scott c October 25, 2010 (4:18 pm)

    Did you get the photo?

  • K October 25, 2010 (6:01 pm)

    There’s also a crash on 99 at S. Atlantic that’s closed the tunnel, and apparently 99 at 1st ave is closed (not sure if that means 99 is closed or exit ramp to 1st ave is closed). Crash is in left lane.

  • Jen October 25, 2010 (6:05 pm)

    99 at First Ave S is closed (not the ramp). Southbound 99 raffic is being diverted onto First Ave S.

  • westwood mom October 25, 2010 (6:19 pm)

    Is this what is stopping nb traffic on 509?

  • Jill October 25, 2010 (6:25 pm)

    Yep, sitting (as opposed to moving) on the 54 on 1st Ave S. Don’tcha love the first day of winter… hope no one got seriously injured, tho.

  • Rich October 25, 2010 (6:39 pm)

    Its pretty grim out here in commute-land.. Don’t rush out to your cars.

  • Keri October 25, 2010 (6:53 pm)

    That 99 crash is affecting down below as well (Alaskan). Just sitting here watching the cyclists blaze past

  • wsgolfer October 25, 2010 (7:07 pm)

    I’m on a rerouted 54 completely stopped on 1st as well. Slow slow going.

  • EmmyJane October 25, 2010 (7:56 pm)

    I was checking out the blog as I was stuck on my bus, and saw the other bus riders comments. It just made me want to stand up and yell “who are the rest of you WSBers!” Hahaha.

  • cdann October 25, 2010 (8:12 pm)

    The 54 I’m on re-routed through white center and is driving the route backwards now.

  • redblack October 25, 2010 (9:06 pm)

    i was sitting 5 cars back from the crash scene – westbound, about 50 feet past the admiral exit – as SDOT stopped traffic to put the jersey barriers back in place with a loader around 4:25 – 4:35. 30 seconds earlier and i would have passed the flagger.

  • Blinkyjoe October 25, 2010 (10:50 pm)

    It’s days like this when I really appreciate my bike commute. Snow days as well.

  • sophista-tiki October 26, 2010 (10:26 am)

    boo hiss,,,, Traffic in this city sucks in the first place. Its like one of those old westerns where they herd the cattle into a box canyon and then they’re trapped. Every direction you try to go is blocked by someting even with out mutiple accidents.
    If drivers wouldn’t drive on the roads like they’ve learned driving from playing Pole Position I’m sure a bunch of accidents could be avoided.
    If you dare to get in the correct lane in the first place and actually go the speed limit everyone else acts like you’re in the way. They go speeding around you weaving in and out of lanes with no turn signals and then slam their brakes on right in front of you. Didn’t anyone read and retain the drivers manual information when they took the test?!

Sorry, comment time is over.