Comcast outage in West Seattle blamed on Delridge fire effects

After hearing from Jennifer, Amanda, and Scott C about a Comcast outage affecting some in High Point and Gatewood (anyone else?), we checked directly with the company, whose local spokesperson Steve Kipp tells us, “The outage is related to the power outages that occurred in the area due to the transformer fire on Delridge” (WSB outage/fire coverage here) – possibly, according to the person he checked with, the fault of a surge when the power started returning. He adds, “We have technicians working on the scene now. I will let you know as soon as repairs are completed. I also will post updates on Twitter at @comcastwa. 12:21 PM UPDATE: Latest tweet from that account says the outage is 75 percent fixed (that leaves about 700 people affected, according to Kipp). 2:27 PM UPDATE: And Comcast now says everybody should be back up.

6 Replies to "Comcast outage in West Seattle blamed on Delridge fire effects"

  • pie September 21, 2010 (11:36 am)

    My surge protector shut off my wireless router yesterday afternoon – didn’t notice the router was off, and lost my Comcast internet. Called them and they figured it out fast. I was pretty sure it had something to do with the fire. I live in Gennessee.

  • Robert2715 September 21, 2010 (12:10 pm)

    I might have a spare UPS – would Comcast like to borrow it for the fall/winter? :-)

    • WSB September 21, 2010 (12:21 pm)

      Adding to story, Comcast WA has tweeted that the outage is 75% fixed …

  • Derek September 21, 2010 (4:06 pm)

    We lost both our TV and internet last night around 10:30. I was right in the middle of “The Event,” which I of course missed. Damn!

    Hope everything’s OK with the fire. Thanks for the report.

  • wally September 22, 2010 (5:14 am)

    Comcast will probably raise their prices again to cover the damages.

  • celeste17 September 22, 2010 (8:52 am)

    I lost my internet about 10pm or so and it was still out this morning. Missing my WS Blog when I am home.

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