Five West Seattle Crime Watch notes this afternoon … First, from Patricia, 2 stolen kayaks to watch for:
Our two Easy Rider Kayaks were stolen last night off our car along with the racks and locks. We live on 46th Ave SW between Lander and Stevens. Would like people to keep an eye for them. One is hot pink with yellow trim and the other is white with blue trim. They are 16 foot Eskimos.
We also have a couple other break-in and theft reports from the past few days – including one in which the burglar(s) made off with items large and small, including … an ice-cream bar … and another one in which an item left behind might have been loot from an EARLIER burglary. Read on:
From Glen:
My house was broken into (Sunday) afternoon between about noon and 3:30pm. Thieves used a ladder from my back yard to gain entry into an open window. Took small easy stuff, ipods, phone, purse, other small electronics and a box of checks from the desk. Someone else’s purse was left in the backyard as well so there was another break in somewhere. We are on Garlough between Hanford and Stevens.
From Jonathan:
(Friday) night at 1:30 or 2:30am, not sure (9:30 GMT) our mail was stolen out of our mailbox. A neighbor found it on their walk this morning several blocks away and all rifled through. I definitely did not get it all back and there is a check missing. None of our direct neighbors were hit, so not sure why they targeted us. This was in the Alki area of 59/Admiral.
(Jonathan has given the US Postal Service surveillance video which shows a prowler whom he believes was the thief.)
From Trevor:
I’d like to report a forced entry break-in at our house on 41st Ave SW just north of Oregon. Sometime between 3pm Wednesday 8/11 and Thursday mid-day on 8/12, someone kicked in the back door at our house, breaking it off its hinges. Mostly smaller electronics were stolen (iPod, laptop, 23″ LCD television) but also sunglasses, frozen sausage and an ice cream bar! Everyone’s heard this before, but we had a bunch of photos from our sailing trip in the Caribbean on that laptop that weren’t backed up! I know… I know. We just moved back in last week so we’re trying to get organized. This doesn’t help.
And from David:
I want to alert westsiders about new rampant car prowling in the west-of-Westwood area. We’ve had a 2nd car prowl / break-in in three days. Same exact location near corner of 32nd Ave SW and SW Trenton St.
First happened on Monday 8/9 @ 9pm, during a four minute window of opportunity, which I emailed to you. Trashed a friend’s car while they were dropping off a child.
Second break-in happened Wednesday night / Thurs morning, same place as #1, eighteen feet from our door. Took place between 11 pm 8/11, and 6am, 8/12. The perp got into our locked van and trashed it. Not much taken.
If you have a Crime Watch report to share – of course, report it to the police first! – then, here are all the ways to reach WSB. Meantime, if you’d like to meet Southwest Precinct police and find out more about how they work as well as share your ongoing concerns, check out this Saturday’s “Picnic at the Precinct” in the street alongside the SWP, SW Webster west of Delridge Way, 1-4 pm.