West Seattle Crime Watch: ‘Night Out’ exactly one month away

(2009 WSB photo from Night Out party in Fauntleroy)
Signed up for a “Night Out” crime-preventing/neighborhood-strengthening party on your block yet? This year’s event is coming up August 3rd. And Seattle Police have changed a few things this time around, as noted here. For one – there’s a quicker way to sign up online – you can do it right here, right now. For two – they’ve set up a Seattle Night Out Facebook page (you can “like” it here). If your neighborhood does decide to have a Night Out block party, and you wouldn’t mind us stopping by for a photo, please let us know – SPD generally doesn’t share lists/maps of registered parties, so we’ve made this request to you the past two years, and have met some great folks as a result.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: 'Night Out' exactly one month away"

  • brizone July 4, 2010 (11:09 am)

    dead link, looks like it’s incomplete. Correct link seems to be:


  • marty July 4, 2010 (12:38 pm)

    I would go, but the crooks probably read this and are waiting for me to leave…

  • Cheryl July 4, 2010 (1:26 pm)

    Broken link… thanks @brizone for correcting.

    Our block had a great time last year, shut down the whole street, invited the neighbors from surrounding blocks, and BBQ’ed our booties off. :-) Looking forward to doing it again this year!

    • WSB July 4, 2010 (2:43 pm)

      FWIW, that link redirects to the one I had, and that’s where I got it. But whatever the case, what matters is that it works for anyone who tries it, as we take great pride in inline linking, which most news sites do very little of, so I appreciate the working version and am fixing now (sorry not to respond sooner but we have been out covering stories for the better part of the past five hours) – TR

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