South Park Bridge, report #4: Closing-night sights, and what’s next

(Previous WSB reports: #1 “as it happened” here, #2 with video here, #3 with photos here)

As our area wakes up to its first day with one less bridge – for at least a few years – Christopher Boffoli‘s video shows you what it was like to be there last night. This morning, a night for the history books is followed by a morning facing the practicalities of how to get around; TV traffic reporters are offering advice, as well as traffic-camera images like this one. The official “closure plan” has resulted in maps of how to get around the area – if you didn’t check them out before, here’s where to find them. Getting to South Park itself remains relatively quick and easy from south West Seattle, and the area will be working to market itself as a destination – a promotional brochure is one of the early steps. Meantime, the search for money to build the replacement bridge continues, with $80 million pledged, of the $130 million needed; the next major step is application for a federal grant that could bring in more than half the remaining amount. And small steps toward the project continue so that it will be ready to go when funded – next Tuesday, for example, the county conducts a public hearing on “right-of-way realignments” (official notices here).

9 Replies to "South Park Bridge, report #4: Closing-night sights, and what's next"

  • beef July 1, 2010 (9:24 am)

    i hope this morning is not indicative of morning traffic going forward. my bus ride on the 23 took an extra 30 min this morning. :)

  • Fodder July 1, 2010 (10:07 am)

    In hindsight, I don’t remember huge problems with the funding for Safeco or Qwest fields. Maybe we should sell the naming rights to the bridge. Just thinkin’

  • Cami July 1, 2010 (11:17 am)

    Great job covering this, Tracy, Patrick and crew! I really enjoyed reading and seeing the photos and perhaps the powers that be will realize that all of us “NEED A BRIDGE”. Nice work.

  • I. Ponder July 1, 2010 (3:04 pm)

    I was there and it was great fun.

    Seems like it would be simple to span the gap with a pedestrian/bike footbridge.

    I concur that Safeco and Qwest Fields are always well maintained and financed. But that’s not “real” money.

    I encourage people to patronize South Park businesses.

  • ArborHeightsMom July 1, 2010 (6:14 pm)

    This story is so important, thanks for covering. I can’t help but compare to other areas of town. If the Magnolia bridge was at risk, would there be an issue in financing? I wonder if there could be a public “bridge raising” campaign. I’d contribute. It’s not going to close the $30M gap, but it might get attention.

  • CB July 1, 2010 (9:27 pm)

    Don’t be fooled by McGinn’s crocodile tears… the closure of the the South Park Bridge is a victory for him and his Sierra Club buddies.

  • 22blades July 2, 2010 (7:46 am)

    Thanks for the coverage and please continue to keep it in the limelight. I agree about finding “money” for two ballparks, trail bridges over Aurora Avenue and waterfront parks, bridges for convention centers, parking garages for SeaTac, on and on…but no “funding” for this.

  • Ted July 2, 2010 (9:24 am)

    What a joke with all the South Park bridge closure compassion !

    I was a regular commuter over the South Park bridge and where were all the politicians during the lead up to the closure?

    Why not have press conferences months ago when the closure was being discussed?

    Now everyone comes to the closure like it is a big ole party? HOGWASH.

    People that really care about things act proactively – not party at the wake.

    Tired of Seattle politicians speaking out a day late and a dollar short.

    Old buses being put into service for the occasion? How much did that cost tax payers?

    What a bunch of BS grandstanding. Do something to promote PROGRESS or get out of office.

    • WSB July 2, 2010 (9:39 am)

      Ted – totally don’t want to negate anything else you said. But because we learned about this from a commenter on one of these stories – I did want to say that the historic buses are operated by a volunteer group.
      I hope to do a longer story about that in the future, as it was a “who knew?” moment – Tracy

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