‘Huge’ thanks to the West Seattle community, for helping Hannah

That’s 4-year-old leukemia patient Hannah Grage and mom Carrie, in a photo shared by Kathy Henderson, the West Seattleite who had originally e-mailed WSB about last Saturday’s bake sale/yard sale/lemonade stand to help Hannah (WSB coverage here and here). Tonight, Kathy e-mailed again, asking if we could publish a big thank you to everyone for the heartwarming response on Saturday:

It was a huge success and far surpassed our expectations of what we would raise to help this family. … We were just astounded by the generosity of this community in helping this little girl and her family. … we really do want to send out a heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this event a big success. …

I also wanted to mention that the fundraiser would not have been possible without the help of an amazing group of women: West Seattle Moms of Tots (WSMOT – meetup.com). This group collected, sorted and priced all the items for the sale and also baked lots of goodies in some crazy hot weather. The sale would not have happened without the help of these moms, most of whom don’t know Hannah directly.

The baked goods even included an adorable cake – here’s a photo we took Saturday but had only previously shared via Twitter:

Kathy also points out that Hannah’s mom published a thank-you note on the website they are keeping about their journey; you can read it here (scroll down past the photos). We also found a link you can use to make donations any time.

1 Reply to "'Huge' thanks to the West Seattle community, for helping Hannah"

  • Meghan July 13, 2010 (7:21 am)

    It’s wonderful to see the community come together to help a family in need! Hannah is absolutely adorable and I wish her a healthy, long life. Her (no doubt) unintended hand gesture also gave me a good laugh to start the day! :-) Someone should send the photo to Leno!

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