Update on SW Genesee paving: Now set for Wednesday

Latest from SDOT on the SW Genesee paving project, which they announced last week would expand to four blocks:

Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) paving crews have been preparing SW Genesee Street from 47th Avenue SW to 51st Avenue SW for resurfacing. They recently completed grinding off the old asphalt surface. Weather permitting, they plan to lay new asphalt on Wednesday, June 23, from approximately from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. During this work, traffic flaggers will assist traffic in both directions share a single lane.

3 Replies to "Update on SW Genesee paving: Now set for Wednesday"

  • kj June 21, 2010 (1:49 pm)

    How about California Ave. just south of the junction?

    I can’t figure out why they stopped repaving at the end of the junction. I have to drive south of the main junction on California every day or so, and every time I do, I am annoyed by all the ruts. It’s getting harder and harder to dodge them.

    Anybody know?

  • Genesee Hill June 21, 2010 (8:26 pm)

    Great job, SDOT!

  • kc June 21, 2010 (9:21 pm)

    Just think
    if this project had not been so poorly managed by SDOT (the snow removal people) it would have been done by now.

    remember they stripped it twice and and will have had the paving machine out twice by the completion on Wednesday.

    Most of us even if we do job twice we will only get paid once.

    Great Job SDOT

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