WSB Extra: Seattle fireworks-donations celebration

Monday night, the Seattle-area businesses (and others) who chipped in to save Seattle’s last remaining 4th of July fireworks show were invited to a thank-you party. We were working, so no-go for us, but one of the other West Seattle businesses that also donated – Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) – dropped in, and Ventana co-proprietor Anne shared photos. Above, that’s Tom Douglas, celebrity chef who helped hatch the idea of a donation challenge, signing a banner that will be displayed for the holiday; below, a slice of the crowd at the secret location:

Anne says more than 75 people were there; Douglas’s co-conspirator, radio host Dave Ross, attended too. What about next year? you might be wondering. Maybe a similar campaign, Douglas suggested. (Other donors with West Seattle ties included another WSB sponsor, Merrill Gardens, as well as CitiLights Electric.)

4 Replies to "WSB Extra: Seattle fireworks-donations celebration"

  • moxilot May 11, 2010 (7:17 am)

    I believe that’s the Palace Ballroom, a Tom Douglas establishment. So Tom started the movement and hosted the thank you party? He’s a good fella.

  • J May 11, 2010 (10:58 am)

    Thinking ahead to next year….bringing back Elliot Bay fireworks would actually be more significant for West Seattle. I’d happily donate to that.

    • WSB May 11, 2010 (11:13 am)

      Totally agree. But that wasn’t an option here. It was, “Elliott Bay’s gone, suddenly Lake Union’s gone, but here’s this crazy donation drive” … Last year I was surprised by how much of the Lake Union show WAS visible from north-facing West Seattle viewpoints. So, better than nothing.

  • Garden_nymph May 11, 2010 (12:47 pm)

    Let’s not forget the WSB contributed $1,000 too! Thank you WSB, Ventana Construction, Merrill Gardens and CitiLights Electric for helping fund the fireworks!

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