West Seattle business news: Juneau St. Market reopens tomorrow

We’ve been keeping an eye on Juneau Street Market (California/Juneau; map) since an apartment fire over the store closed the market eight months ago, watching for signs of reopening. Saw an open door about an hour and a half ago, and dropped in. Owner Binh Nguyen (photo left) was there and said they’re reopening tomorrow, might even “soft-open” tonight. Asked what he did during the long shutdown, he smiled, “Vacation” – adding that the reopening process took so long because of “insurance stuff.” (In a comment following our original coverage of the fire, they had posted that they hoped to reopen in “six to eight weeks.”) The fire in early September was blamed on an extension cord; nobody was hurt. Neighboring Ho-Win Chinese Restaurant was closed immediately after the fire too, but reopened relatively quickly.

2 Replies to "West Seattle business news: Juneau St. Market reopens tomorrow"

  • CandrewB May 12, 2010 (7:14 pm)


  • lenguamor May 12, 2010 (8:24 pm)

    Yay! Welcome back.

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