Video: Student musicians “In the Mood” at Denny Play-A-Thon

Thanks to Donna for e-mailing to let us know about the Denny International Middle School Play-A-Thon, with student musicians on campus for a 24-hour marathon of playing and listening to music, with breaks, of course. It was open to the public for a while tonight, so we dropped in to hear the Denny Jazz Band, directed by Marcus Pimpleton – in the clip, that’s the Glenn Miller big-band classic, “In the Mood.” This is a music-program fundraiser, by the way, with the student musicians getting pledges. We’re told you are welcome to drop by tomorrow, with a full slate of bands set from 8 am to 2 pm (maybe take a musical break while out shopping during West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day?).

2 Replies to "Video: Student musicians "In the Mood" at Denny Play-A-Thon"

  • Ed May 8, 2010 (3:55 am)

    Excellent muscianship!! Glenn Miler would be proud of these youngsters! Keep wailing!!

  • Admiral Janeway May 8, 2010 (8:15 am)

    I had just read an article about the area high school jazz bands going to a national competition. The question came up as to why Seattle bands were winning a majority of the time at this prestigious event. The answer is the strong middle school programs like the one at Denny. Thanks Mr. Pimpleton.

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