Two paving updates this morning: First, that’s a photo from last fall, when the city wrapped up reconstruction/repaving on 16th SW between Findlay and Brandon. SDOT has just sent out a reminder that it’s also going to rebuild the block between Brandon and Dawson this year, but not till summer – between mid-July and mid-September – so that fewer South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) attendees will be inconvenienced. The SDOT alert today says “A northbound detour similar to what was implemented in 2009 will be required again for work this year.” More info’s online.
Meantime, a welcome sight for Alki drivers (not to mention the people who live in the affected area): Mike Heavey sent the photo at right last night, from the Alki Avenue stretch by the 53rd Avenue Pump Station project. Restoration of the road is the final phase of work; we’d noted earlier this week that the blacktop was being put in place, and as Mike’s photo shows, it’s almost all done. That puts the project length at 26 months; as you can see in that link, it was estimated at 20 months when work started in February 2008. The project tripled its size (all underground)
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