4th of July fireworks update: Pledge drive reaches $500,000 goal

Just announced on KIRO radio (97.3 FM): Barely one full day after chef Tom Douglas and host Dave Ross kicked it off, hours after Seattleites learned that nobody had come forward what had become the city’s last fireworks show, the one on Lake Union, the pledge drive has reached its $500,000 goal – that’s how much longtime promoter OneReel said it would cost to put on the fireworks and accompanying festivities. They asked for donations from local businesses in $1,000 increments; here’s the list so far — WSB contributed $1K, as did West Seattle’s Ventana Construction, a WSB sponsor, as is Merrill Gardens, which pledged a short time ago to cover the “remaining balance.” (If anyone else on the list has West Seattle ties, let us know so we can add a shoutout!) The drive picked up major steam when Microsoft and Starbucks announced late yesterday that they would each contribute $125,000 as a matching donation if other contributions totaled $250,000, which they now have. (7/4/09 Hamilton Viewpoint photo by Gilbert)

21 Replies to "4th of July fireworks update: Pledge drive reaches $500,000 goal"

  • jsrekd April 2, 2010 (9:36 am)

    Good job Seattle businesses – thank you!

  • B@TT April 2, 2010 (9:47 am)

    Also just heard that any extra money (above the $500k) will be put in an Escrow Account for next years event.

  • Eliza April 2, 2010 (10:22 am)

    Support your local businesses that support local events!!
    There is a list on the PI of all the Seattle businesses that donated… worth reading and seeing how you can support them!!

    Yeah fireworks!

  • Amanda April 2, 2010 (10:24 am)

    I love Seattleites.

  • Jill Loblaw April 2, 2010 (10:34 am)

    Thanks to all who contributed. I really am pleased that our city was able to come together to make this event happen.

  • Noelle April 2, 2010 (10:48 am)

    That is SO awesome! Way to make GOOD stuff happen!

  • Bruce April 2, 2010 (11:37 am)

    Nice, too bad Paul Allen’s Vulcan couldn’t have paid for it all out of petty cash, with all the profits it has made in South Lake Union.

  • HunterG April 2, 2010 (11:47 am)

    Yay, now we can kill all kinds of fish and birds again this year too!!

  • Val M April 2, 2010 (12:05 pm)

    Thank you, WSB for pitching in! I know where I’m going to be on the 4th, and I’m going to get my spot early, because it’s going to be C-R-A-Z-Y!

  • bsmomma April 2, 2010 (12:36 pm)

    Yaaaaaaaa Seattle!

  • J April 2, 2010 (12:52 pm)

    If it were opened up to small donations from individuals, I’ll bet we could get enough extra to restore the one in Elliot Bay, too. That would be better for West Seattleites–kind of hard to see the Lake Union ones from here….

  • mae April 2, 2010 (12:58 pm)

    Thank you WSB for donating! And a big thank you to the wonderful Red Mill Burgers for their $3k donation! Wow that’s a lot of burger sales…if only they would now add a WS Red Mill.

  • eigenwijs April 2, 2010 (1:11 pm)

    J – they did open it up to individuals wishing to donate less than $1000 at http://www.family4th.org/donate/ Looks like about $7000 came in from the regular folk!

  • SomeGuy April 2, 2010 (1:20 pm)

    yadda yadda Trader Joes!

  • coffee April 2, 2010 (1:34 pm)

    We have better burgers here, Zippys. Red Mill is good, but Zippys are way better.
    Also, a huge thanks to the WSB to donate 1K. That’s a good chunk of change for a small business!

  • Meghan April 2, 2010 (1:50 pm)

    This is great news! It’s nice to know the community can come together so quickly to save a beloved tradition. I’m rather disappointed that Amazon – a local company that got its launch here and is moving to South Lake Union – didn’t step up. But maybe they’ll come around next year. Their profits are so huge right now, you’d think they’d want to sponsor the fireworks (and maybe a big community party in the new park there).

  • old timer April 2, 2010 (2:22 pm)

    Thanks for the update WSB.
    Reading thru the list is interesting. Donations from Kent, Everett, and Renton – maybe other places not in Seattle too.
    And, for the curious:
    Nordstrom $25k
    King5 $5k – I saw no other TV donations
    Turner Construction $5K
    Vulcan $50K – for those who asked
    Seattle Bank $10K – Is it TARP money? LOL
    Shows what a bit of energy can spark.
    Kind of fun!

  • partyonthe4th April 2, 2010 (2:46 pm)

    I believe this is the energy that we are in now and its played out over and over on a big and small scale all over the country.
    A combination of community strength and realizing our own power to do BIG things together. I think this is a fine example of what Seattle can do as a collective. And I knew we could.

  • J April 2, 2010 (5:41 pm)

    So–what would it take to add the Elliot Bay show back, too?

  • hello April 3, 2010 (12:46 pm)

    It seems like it takes a lot of money to celebrate our independance. Who knew it would cost so much! (still love you America)

  • b April 4, 2010 (12:21 pm)

    King5 dontated money because they’ll be the ones broadcasting it on tv. No sense in other stations donating for a rival’s benefit…

Sorry, comment time is over.