Tonight: “Mission: Sustainable,” Art Walk, WSHS open house, more!

“MISSION: SUSTAINABLE” PREMIERE PARTY: Megan Hilfer and Martin Westerman, seen in the clips above, are two of the West Seattleites involved with a pilot project to create a reality show, “Mission: Sustainable,” about lifestyle eco-makeovers. They’ve produced a 45-minute pilot and it will be shown at a “green-carpet” party at Seattle Center‘s Fisher Pavilion tonight; you’re invited, it’s free, be there by 7 pm. Though the original RSVP site shows “sold out,” Megan – who co-hosts the pilot – says there should be room, just don’t be late.

WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: That’s the tasty art of Jessica Creager, on view at Wallflower Custom Framing (WSB sponsor) – which is honoring the occasion with cupcakes and chocolates – during tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk, 6-9 pm, all over the peninsula. Other spotlighted artists are featured at; last night we featured Holy Rosary students with a Haiti-fundraiser bake sale during The Kenney’s Art Walk event, and remember the shuttle service that can take you there and other southern points, including shuttle sponsor Sterling Images Gallery, from The Junction (full details here). Your Art Walk walking/driving map is here.

WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 6 pm tonight, the school known as “Westside” opens its doors to incoming 9th graders and their families, with an open house that includes presentations, performances, panel discussions, and even free admission to a basketball game. The full program’s on the WSHS home page, here.

ARBOR HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY OPEN HOUSE: This school is also welcoming prospective families tonight, 6:30-8:30 pm. (Data point: AH is the only local public elementary we know of that’s on Facebook and Twitter [@arborhts].)

ADMIRAL SAFEWAY DESIGN REVIEW: 6:30 pm tonight, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. This will be the 5th time the project has come before the Southwest Design Review Board. You can see the newest design revisions here – the focus tonight is supposed to be on the California SW frontage (newest rendering above). Remember that public comment IS taken at these meetings – so if you have an opinion on this project, be there if you can.

WESTWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: 7 pm at Southwest Community Center; the agenda includes updates on community murals, street projects, crime and city-grant deadlines, as detailed by the official flyer.

Lots more – including a Log House Museum guest speaker and the South Park Bridge closure reminder – on the WSB Events page!

4 Replies to "Tonight: "Mission: Sustainable," Art Walk, WSHS open house, more!"

  • cjboffoli February 11, 2010 (9:36 am)

    I like how you’ve posted the videos side by side. You can even play them simultaneously for cacophonous effect.

    • WSB February 11, 2010 (10:20 am)

      Wouldn’t have done it if they weren’t both just head shots … but after looking at them each 400 wide and arranged vertically, this made more sense – TR

  • Megan Hilfer February 11, 2010 (10:55 am)

    Thanks for the shout-out, Tracy! Hope WSB can make it out to tonight’s big premiere.

  • Janet February 11, 2010 (8:08 pm)

    way to go Marti!! i’m listening!

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