Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle’s 1st Seed Swap a smash

Sunny, warm, perfect day to think gardening, and that brought so many people out to Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle‘s first-ever Seed Swap ‘n’ Sale, the seeds were gone about halfway through the three-hour event. Community Harvest’s Aviva summarized it in a comment tonight on our morning preview story:

Thank you to those who came out to the Seed Swap ‘N Sale…and apologies to those who came after we were sold out. By 2:30 we had sold ALL of our 650 packets of seeds. Should have known…with it being the year of Urban Agriculture.

AND THANKS TO THE GROUP OF VOLUNTEERS WHO MADE THIS HAPPEN! I’m grateful to all the gardeners who brought in their old seed packets for re-distribution and for the old tools…keep an eye open for their transformation! We will be doing a Veggie Start Sale in mid-April. Will have more seeds then.

Gardening wasn’t the only topic on the table:

(Photo courtesy Karen Berge)
From left, that’s Karen Berge, Deborah Greer and Cindi Barker – they brought along the traveling display of info about the West Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs (a project that’s an ongoing WSB sponsor – find their ad on the right sidebar to access the hub info at any time). Be sure to go here to find out where your nearest “hub” is, just in case.

4 Replies to "Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle's 1st Seed Swap a smash"

  • MargL February 21, 2010 (6:51 am)

    The seed swap was great! I got to trade broccoli and pepper seeds (that I’m done trying to grow) for new stuff like sunchokes and shallots! Fun!

    I know the Admiral library has had an informal seed swap by their front door for the past couple years but it not sure when it starts.

    Looking forward to the veggie starts sale. I got some wonderful tomatoes from that last year!

  • jake February 21, 2010 (7:04 am)

    I was there by 1:15 (the sale started at 1:00) and all the tomato seeds were already gone! It was a great event, though next time I’ll line up early.

  • Kim Sharpe Jones February 21, 2010 (9:15 am)

    We went to the Seattle Tilth/CHOSS class yesterday on starting veggie seeds indoors. It was a full class, and we learned a lot. You can check out all the classes they offer at

  • Megan B February 22, 2010 (11:50 am)

    I was there too, Kim! It was a great class- the first of many down at St. James Annex in White Center. Looking forward to more!

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