Another “Parent/School Advocacy Night” at High Point center

Last time we covered one of these special events at High Point Neighborhood Center (photo above is from Jan. 8), which has been working with Seattle Public Schools to help local families get more closely connected, there were concerns that word hadn’t gotten out widely in advance. This time, the notice arrived three weeks in advance, so organizers hope even more people will hear about the event and be able to attend. Here’s the official invite:

Making Your School Better
A Night for Parent-School Advocacy with Seattle Public Schools Administration

Tuesday February 23, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm

*MEET Seattle Public Schools Representatives
*HEAR about school Improvement Plans
*YOU Influence Quality Schools

Limited Childcare – Please Make Alternate Plans

The Neighborhood Center
High Point Family Center
6400 Sylvan Way SW

The announcement we received mentioned that “school improvement plans” for West Seattle Elementary will be part of the agenda.

1 Reply to "Another "Parent/School Advocacy Night" at High Point center"

  • Charlie Mas February 4, 2010 (6:30 am)

    Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the “High Point Family Center” can only offer “Limited Childcare – Please Make Alternate Plans”.
    I guess it’s not a very family-centered family center.

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