West Seattle help for Haiti: This week – Edie’s, Pagliacci, music …

January 26, 2010 6:03 am
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This week’s highlights as West Seattleites keep reaching out with help for Haiti:

(added 9:45 am) ALKI BIKE AND BOARD: The Admiral shop is giving 20 percent of its labor income to Doctors Without Borders and the American Red Cross through March 1st. Alki Bike and Board owner Stu Hennessey says, “We hope the early spring weather will bring a lot of folks out on their bicycles and generate some very urgent funding from our local bicycle community. Bicycle tune ups and repairs increase through March 1st, with $20 out of $100 dollars going to these two relief operations. It is our hope that the Island Country of Haiti will be rebuilt in a sustainable, self sufficient manner to ensure the healthy future of its citizens.”

EDIE’S SHOES ON WEDNESDAY: Sara from Edie’s says both their locations (The Junction and Capitol Hill) will donate 20 percent of their shoe sales this Wednesday to the Red Cross‘s Haiti work.

PAGLIACCI ON THURSDAY: The Red Cross is also the beneficiary of Pagliacci Pizza‘s plan to donate all profits this Thursday.

ROCK 4 RELIEF ON THURSDAY: TIckets are on sale for the concert at Showbox SODO with a major West Seattle contingent involved in organizing and performing; see the poster with the lineup here; direct ticket link is here.

WEST SEATTLE EAGLES CONCERT ON SATURDAY: 8 pm at the Eagles’ aerie in The Junction, more live music to help Haiti – this time, with the proceeds to Mercy Corps, which has set up this page with more info on the concert as well as a way to donate right now. (Mercy Corps also has updates on Haiti activity via Twitter.)

EDDIE VEDDER SINGLE FUNDRAISER: West Seattle’s most famous rocker is donating proceeds of a cut you can download now for 99 cents – details here.

VALENTINE’S DAY ART SALE: Artist Stephanie Hargrave, co-owner of West Seattle’s smallclothes, is hosting a “Give Your Love to Haiti” art sale with all proceeds to Haiti relief on February 14 at her studio (across from smallclothes), according to a note Kelly forwarded. Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) says co-owner Frances Smersh will sell jewelry as part of the fundraiser.

Several other West Seattle-linked Haiti fundraisers are ongoing – they’re listed here.

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