Followup to Sunday orca-watching: New baby!

A happy followup today to the orca sightings that brought many out to the West Seattle shores yesterday afternoon, hoping to glimpse J-Pod passing by … Orca Network says the researchers who were following the whales for a while spotted a new baby! It’s been designated J47, born to mom J35, and you can see photos on the Orca Network website (scroll down from that photo and you’ll see the five babies born to the “Southern Resident” orcas last year – their population is now up to 88).

6 Replies to "Followup to Sunday orca-watching: New baby!"

  • hopey January 4, 2010 (8:39 pm)

    I think that helps explain why I couldn’t decide if I was seeing four or five. That little tiny fin was tricky to see!

    • WSB January 4, 2010 (8:51 pm)

      I remembered your mention of mom/baby pairs. The Whale Trail and Seal Sitters folks I was with for a while also noted the whales were “low in the water” – wasn’t any breaching etc. going on – with at least one little one around, that explains it. Supercool – TR

  • d January 4, 2010 (10:09 pm)

    Live strong and long J47!

    & congrats to the happy pod;)

  • jeannie January 5, 2010 (12:06 am)

    Cute! I’d knit the baby a little blanket or snuggly fin covers, but I think the wee whale would outgrow them too fast. Maybe some giant diapers would be a good gift.

  • miws January 5, 2010 (7:37 am)

    Congrats J35, and Pod!


    Hmmmmm….J47……cute name! Has a nice ring to it! ;)



  • MJ January 8, 2010 (9:44 am)

    “Hmmmmm….J47……cute name! Has a nice ring to it! ;) ”
    Rumor has it that it was going to be “J Z” but there were some legal issues and gangsta leanings so they opted for the still cool J47.

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