West Seattle traffic alert: Utility work in Arbor Heights

Thanks to Nathan for the tip about a water-main problem at 35th/106th (map) in Arbor Heights. 106th west of 35th is closed at that spot, where a backhoe-equipped crew is working, but 35th traffic is not affected – except for one thing to keep in mind later: Southbound lanes are wet for a few blocks south of 106th, and that could be trouble as temperatures drop, though we also spotted an SDOT truck nearby, so the situation should be on their radar.

1 Reply to "West Seattle traffic alert: Utility work in Arbor Heights"

  • ArborHeightsMom December 13, 2009 (9:16 pm)

    I wonder if this explains the sudden presence of a small water leak in my never-before wet basement??

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