Election 2009: How the mayoral vote went in West Seattle

The precinct-by-precinct numbers are out for the November 3 (finalized Nov. 24) election, and our partners at the Seattle Times have made some maps. If you take a closer look at the one for the mayor’s race (direct link here, opens a PDF), you’ll see that, in general, the Joe Mallahan/Mike McGinn vote split east-west on the peninsula – Mallahan west, McGinn east. Earlier this week, Publicola put together a map that breaks down the McGinn/Mallahan support into several additional categories.

3 Replies to "Election 2009: How the mayoral vote went in West Seattle"

  • sam December 4, 2009 (8:27 am)

    thanks for posting the link to the map- those are interesting to look at.

    and it reminds me about something I was wondering…since we got our latest phone bill.
    In regards to those calls that the McGinn camp, to get people to drop off their ballots at grocery stores.
    we got a call a little after 9 pm on election night, but when we answered the phone, it was a hang-up. (and we did get it in 3 rings). I *69’ed the number, and turned out it was the number for the McGinn campaign. why did they hang up. how did they know we had already turned in our ballots ? seems fishy.

  • mark December 4, 2009 (8:55 am)


    I would guess it was a re-dialer and from the results, it seemed to have worked for McGinn. I liked the PDF map for the mayoral voting. The more affluent areas seemed to go solid for Mallahan, the less affluent for McGinn. I didn’t think the difference would be as sharp as it was. Love the info.

  • seven December 4, 2009 (9:04 am)

    Figured WS would go mostly to Mallahan – that much was easy to predict.

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