No need to count sheep this weekend – even if they are faux sheep like Hester the pug – you get an extra hour of sleep. Of course it’s Hallo-weekend TOO, but the West Seattle Weekend Lineup needs to give the end of Daylight Saving Time (2 am Sunday, your clock “falls back” an hour) and the impending election (get your ballot mailed or drop-boxed by EOD Tuesday!) a little love too, so this is dedicated to them. Much of what’s on the list is on the WSB Halloween page – but we have NON-Halloween activities too – more than SEVENTY events/activities in all, brought to you by Skylark Cafe and Club:
Thanks, Skylark Cafe and Club, for sponsoring the WSWL!
ALL WEEKEND: Southwest Pool closed for drain-safety and repair work (till Nov. 2) – West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) has day passes available
ALL WEEKEND: Movies (and more) at the Admiral Theater
ALL WEEKEND: West Seattle history on display @ Log House Museum at Alki, Thursdays-Sundays, noon-4 pm
ALL WEEKEND: Kayaking and land-sports (bikes, skates) rentals at Seacrest with Alki Kayak Tours
FRIDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: (de)constructing men art show at ArtsWest gallery, noon-7 pm
FRIDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Admiral District Treats and Treasures, 3-6 pm (30 merchants participating – here’s the map)
FRIDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Life Care Center of West Seattle says “just come down a few blocks on Admiral Way and trick or treat with the residents at Life Care Center of West Seattle. Residents who wish to pass out candy will be in the lobby to greet the kids. Happy Halloween!” – also during Treats/Treasures hours, 3-6 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Pumpkin carving at Pathfinder K-8 School, 5:30-7:30 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at C & P Coffee with Bob “Bobcat Bob” Rice, 6-8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Freaky Fall Festival, High Point Community Center, 6920 34th Ave. SW, 6 to 8 p.m. Everyone in the family is invited to join in on an evening of fun! Kids will enjoy a variety of “frightfully fun” skill-challenging games and activities. This event provides thrills without being too scary for children, from walking toddlers up to age 11. If you’re able, we would appreciate the donation of one non-perishable food item for the West Seattle Food Bank. Ages: All. Cost: Free.
FRIDAY NIGHT: Fall Carnival, Alki Community Center, 5817 SW Stevens St., 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This fun event features 20 carnival games, prizes, candy, refreshments, andcostume contests. Rain or shine, it provides everyone an opportunity to dress up in costumes, meet neighbors, and have fun together in the gym. Ages: All. Cost: 25 to 50 cents per game ticket.
FRIDAY NIGHT: From West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor): Family Night, 6:30-8:30 pm @ Fauntleroy location. Halloween Fun. Members: Free Non-members bring canned food for the West Seattle Food Bank or diapers for WestSide Baby.
FRIDAY NIGHT: Halloween Carnival, Hiawatha Community Center, 2700 California Ave. SW, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wear your scariest costume, play games, win prizes, and have spooky fun! Light refreshments will be available, and game tickets cost 25 and 50 cents. Ages: All. Cost: Free.
FRIDAY NIGHT: Magic Pumpkin Carnival, Southwest Community Center, 2801 SW Thistle St., 6:30 to 8 p.m. The Magic Pumpkin Carnival will feature magic, games, candy, and prizes. Come join the fun! Ages: 3-11. Cost: Free.
FRIDAY NIGHT: “Nightmare Before Christmas” – a special Indoor Movies on the Wall presentation – 7 pm at West Seattle Christian Church Activity Center (42nd south of Genesee), bring a food donation to get in on the raffle, bring your own chair/blanket, FREE!
FRIDAY NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: West Seattle High School vs. Seattle Prep at Memorial Stadium 5 pm; Seattle Lutheran vs. Chief Leschi at West Seattle Stadium, 7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at The Bohemian: Piano jazz with Karin Kajita, 7-10 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: “Measure for Pleasure” at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: “Mostly Magor” musical melange featuring Kenyon Hall’s own Lou Magor and others, 7:30 pm (full details at KH website)
FRIDAY NIGHT: COMMUNITY COFFEEHOUSE – The first “Sweet, Sweet Music” coffeehouse in July was so successful that Fauntleroy musicians are doing it again! Friday, Oct. 30, 7:30 PM in Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church. $5 will get you an evening of music AND a luscious dessert. Singer Sarah Ackers and guitarist/singer Betsy Boyer will be joined by Bron Edwards-Cryer at her red piano and an eclectic assortment of other musicians. Info at www.fauntleroyucc.org.
FRIDAY NIGHT: Invasion from Mars, featuring The Shadow
Join the West Seattle High School Radio Players as they recreate these gripping radio plays. 7:30 pm, *presented by West Seattle High School Drama Club, 3000 California Ave SW. Tix: $5 with reservation, $10 at the door. For Reservations Call 206-252-8834*
FRIDAY NIGHT: Theatresports presents improv comedy – Campfire! – at Admiral Theater, 8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor), with Corpus Callosum, The Fun Police, 13th Grade, 9 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Cold Shot (Stevie Ray Vaughan tribute) at Poggie Tavern in The Junction, 9 am-1 pm (more here)
SATURDAY: Last day of the year for King County Water Taxi’s West Seattle run
SATURDAY: Lincoln Park Cyclocross bicycle race (more information here) *moved to Lakewood Park in White Center*
SATURDAY: Dia de los Muertos activities at Seattle Yarn (details here)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Duwamish Longhouse Museum open to the public, 10 am-5 pm
SATURDAY MORNING: Pumpkin-carving at 10 am, St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 3050 California Ave SW (next to WS High School). Creations to be displayed at All Hallows’ Eve observance later that night.
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Schmitz Park Preserve work party, 9 am-noon (more info here)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Duwamish Greenbelt work party, meet at 14th/Holly, 10 am-2 pm (more info here)
SATURDAY MORNING: Mike McGinn “town hall” meeting at West Seattle Library, 10:15 am (more here)
SATURDAY MIDDAY: “Ghosts of the Westside” special event presented by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society at Salty’s (more details in this WSB story
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Kids’ Halloween Party at West Seattle Thriftway: Bring the kids aged 0-10, in costume for fun Halloween activities and a goodie bag! 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Annual Growing Gardeners Appreciation Event at West Seattle Nursery, 11 am-2 pm (more here)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Marination Mobile street food truck at High Point, 11 am-1:30 pm (closing early today)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Garden Center open at South Seattle Community College, 11 am-3 pm
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: FCAT cat adoptions at All the Best Pet Care on Alki, 11 am-5 pm (more in the WSB Forums)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: (de)constructing men art show at ArtsWest gallery, noon-7 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Trick-or-treating at participating venues in The Junction, 1-3 pm (more at wsjunction.com)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: From Eastridge Christian Assembly: We’re giving away a FREE Nintendo DSi on Saturday, October 31st! Join us at our West Seattle Campus for a “Trunk or Treat” in front of the Eastridge Church building (4500 39th Ave. SW) from 2:00 until 5:00pm. You will be able to play games for candy as you “Trunk or Treat” and then join us inside for a fun time on our inflatables and creative face painting!
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Halloween Howl, Hiawatha Community Center, with dog costume contest and more, 2:30-4:30 pm (here’s the flyer)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Invasion from Mars, featuring The Shadow
Join the West Seattle High School Radio Players as they recreate these gripping radio plays. 2:30 pm, *presented by West Seattle High School Drama Club, 3000 California Ave SW. Tix: $5 with reservation, $10 at the door. For Reservations Call 206-252-8834*
SATURDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Trick-or-treating at participating venues in Westwood Village, 4-7 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Halloween Family Glow Zone Bowling at West Seattle Bowl, 4-6 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Fall Festival at High Point Commons Park, 5-8 pm with costume contest at 7 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: CHILDREN’S HARVEST FESTIVAL – Hope Lutheran Church, 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Hope Fellowship Hall (4456 42nd Ave SW – Oregon St. entrance) Join us for a great Halloween alternative. Children, ages 3 to 10 years, will enjoy the games, crafts, candy giveaways, hot dog and chili dinner, cider, popcorn, caramel apples, and lots of family fun! FREE EVENT – COSTUMES WELCOME!
SATURDAY NIGHT: All Hallows’ Eve, St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 3050 California Ave SW (next to WS High School). All Hallows’ Celebration, 7:00 PM, in the main entry. Persons of all ages, and especially children and parents, are invited for this special celebration featuring a gathering in the entry area (costumes encouraged), with a procession into the candlelit church accompanied by grand organ music, special readings, prayers and song. This short and lively gathering ends with a procession to the Churchyard to place the pumpkins on the hallowed ground where past “saints” are laid to rest. “Hallows,” or “holy ones” is an old English word for “saints.” Stay after to enjoy some mostly healthy treats. Have your last stop of the night be at God’s house! Everyone is invited.
SATURDAY NIGHT: Skeleton Theatre, 6-9 pm (directions and show info here), with a pirate theme again this year
SATURDAY NIGHT: Longhouse Harvest Celebration, 6 PM to 9 PM. Prizes for best costume – Treats for kids – Story Telling. At Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center, 4705 West Marginal Way SW. 206-431-1582. A family-friendly safe place
SATURDAY NIGHT: Kids’ Carnival at West Side Presbyterian Church, 6-8 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Trunk-n-Treat at Grace Church, 6 pm (map)
SATURDAY NIGHT: White Center/West Seattle Safe Night Out at Hillcrest Presbyterian, 6:30 pm (details here)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at The Bohemian: Southern Blues guitar music with Amy Jo Savannah, 7-10 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: “Measure for Pleasure” at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: “Mostly Magor” musical melange featuring Kenyon Hall’s own Lou Magor and others, 7:30 pm (full details at KH website)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Zombie Dance Party at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), benefiting Rat City Rollergirls and Jet City Rollergirls teams, 8 pm (flyer here)
SATURDAY NIGHT: At Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor): It’s the third annual Halloween battle with ten bands performing as another band for just one evening. Each band plays a three-song set to showcase their skills as their chosen band. The winners will be awarded the coveted Golden Cowbell™ and bragging rights until next year. This event is free, 21+, and has always been Skylark’s biggest night of the whole year. Costumes! Props! Band rivalries! This year’s lineup features:
8:00 pm THE VELVETEEN LOTHARIOS as Frank Sinatra
8:20 pm LEVATOR as Dr. Teeth & The Muppet Mayhem Band
8:40 pm JULIA MASSEY as The Little Mermaid
9:00 pm RADIOLAKE as The White Stripes
9:20 pm HIGH DIVIDE as Black Sabbath
9:40 pm THE MANGLES as The Bangles
10:00 pm HELEN CHANCE as David Bowie
10:40 pm M.BISON as The Band
Matt Brown from Nadamucho.com, Jessie SK, Skylark’s booker, and Starr Harris (of The Camellias and The Snakebites) will judge the bands on originality, talent, and style. Prizes will be awarded around midnight.
SATURDAY NIGHT: Hell’s Belles (Halloween party) at Rocksport, 9 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Hive-Mind Presents *Hive Mind Halloween XV: Things That Go Bump in the Night, 9 pm – 4 am at Youngstown, 4408 Delridge Way SW. Costumes *Required* 21+ w/ID, $20 at the door
Please join us for the 15th annual and *last* Hive Mind Halloween. We see you shaking, we see you sweat, but don’t be frightened of the things that go bump in the night: it’s just beats and booty. We’ve got some surprises up our sleeve this year, including Steve the Giant Robot H.E.Ai.D., the Purple Pony Fountain and night-time crunchies courtesy of Philthy Sanchez. Check the web site for the full DJ lineup: www.hive-mind.com/halloween/09 (And on Facebook) As always, all profits go to Room to Read, building schools, providing scholarships for girls and more in Nepal, Laos, and other developing countries, and Youngstown, providing arts education to underserved youth and a home for arts education and environmental organizations.
SATURDAY NIGHT: Costume contest at Talarico’s Pizzeria, DJ starts at 9:30, judging starts at midnight, full details here
SATURDAY NIGHT: (Not in West Seattle, but a West Seattleite is helping promote it!) 2nd annual Masquerade and Costume Ball at the W Hotel, with a portion of ticket sales and all the funds raised through the raffle and silent auction benefitting the Seattle Humane Society. Tickets are just $40 with a special VIP experience for $125. Full details here.
SATURDAY NIGHT: (Not in West Seattle, but a West Seattleite is your host) Scary’Oke with Willie Murderface, 9 pm-1:30 am at Goldie’s on Airport Way… 3924 Airport Way S
SATURDAY NIGHT: Hell’s Belles (above) at Rocksport
SATURDAY NIGHT: Halloween party at Celtic Swell on Alki, with costume contest at 10 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Repo: The Genetic Opera at Admiral Theater, 10 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Rocky Horror Picture Show at Admiral Theater, midnight
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Seattle Farmers’ Market @ The Junction, 10 am-2 pm
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Sunday Free Paint at C & P Coffee, 11 am-2 pm (more here)
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Stress Management: Practical and Effective Coping Strategies. Admiral Church, 4320 SW Hill St, 11:45 am. Physically and emotionally, stress can lead to high blood pressure, muscle tension, insomnia, a weakened immune system, and depression. Stress is an unfortunate reality for most of us. We can’t completely avoid it, but we can learn how to manage it. The stress management seminar, led by Janice Milliman, Social Worker, will also include a light lunch. The seminar will start around 11:45 am, following the 10:30 am service, which you are also welcome to attend. Please join us!
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Organ Concert at 2 p.m. Join us on Sunday afternoon at Hope Lutheran Church, corner of 42nd Ave. SW and SW Oregon Street, for a program of classical works from Aaron Copland to J.S. Bach, as well as traditional American hymns and anthems. This free concert celebrates our newly renovated facilities, and showcases the talents of our accomplished church organist, Linda Knebel, both in solo performance and joined by additional musicians and the Hope Church Choir. This is a rare opportunity to enjoy the beauty and power of organ repertoire presented in recital. Audience members will be invited to participate as well, with several familiar hymn sing-alongs. No admission fee or offering will be taken – this program is a free gift to our community – the perfect diversion for a Fall Sunday afternoon! Questions? Contact mdart@seattlelutheran.org
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: The Road Map Ends: How Can I Best Parent My Young Adult Child? ~A Facilitated Conversation~
2:45 – 4:45 PM
Southwest Branch Library Meeting Room
9010-35th Avenue SW at Henderson Street, West Seattle
Areas of Discussion: Changes in Parent-Child (ages 20-29) Relationships, Choices, Expectations, & Boundaries (friendships, money,communication,work, school, substance-use, family, love-life, & home), What I Wish I Had Done Better, How Do I Live My Life Now, and more. Facilitators: Joyce Victor, Therapist & Experienced Group Leader – Devon Atkins, Teacher & Writer – (Both are Mothers of 20-Something Children) For Registration & Information: Devon 206-353-9227 Pre-Registration is Encouraged.
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Live music at C&P Coffee with with Revelatio (CD release), 3-5 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: “Measure for Pleasure” at ArtsWest, 3 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Dow Constantine campaign event at West 5 in The Junction, 4-6 pm (details here)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Sunday Market Cocktails, KPLU Jazz Sundays (4-6 pm) and Sunday Ribs (“Southside Tony’s Rib Special,” 4 pm “till we run out”) at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor)
SUNDAY NIGHT: Skeleton Theatre, 6-9 pm (directions and show info here), with a pirate theme again this year
SUNDAY NIGHT: West Seattle Crop Circles meeting with Kimberly Leeper of Mariposa Naturescapes speaking on Native Edibles. Common House of Duwamish Cohousing, 6000 17th SW. 6:30 pm; more info at gleanit.org. To join the discussion and receive announcements of future Circle dates you can join the yahoo group at
SUNDAY NIGHT: All-ages live music at @ Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) with Treas, Ryan Purcell, 8 pm
Are we missing anything? Let us know! And between weekends, keep an eye on our continuously updated Events page.