West Seattle Crime Watch: Tanning salon hit by till thieves

Checking on this with police, but in the meantime we’re posting it fast in case these thieves are trying to work more area businesses – read on:

I work at a tanning salon on California and (Monday) 2 young girls came in. The girls were both of white race and probably late teens/early 20’s. I didn’t get a great look at them because people come and go all day and I didn’t expect anything to happen and didn’t notice anything had happened until awhile after they left.

Anyways what happened was the 2 girls came in between 4-5 pm while we’re quite slow. One of the girls approached the counter and started asking me about her spray tan. She was wearing jeans with gold u shapes on the back pockets and a white top/tank (I know this because I walked behind her down the hall to the spray tan machine). She said she wanted to tan and asked me to show her our spray tan machine which was in the very back of the salon. While back there she asked me many questions. I heard the door signal letting me know her friend may have gone out the door. We walked back up to the front and her friend was gone and she left immediately saying she decided not to tan. About a half hour later I opened the till drawer to count the money for our shift change and all of the money from the drawer (with no lock) was gone. The spray tan girl had distracted me while her friend robbed us.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Tanning salon hit by till thieves"

  • Concerned Person October 6, 2009 (5:17 pm)

    Too many robberies lately!! It really is sad to think you can’t leave anything “unlocked” – “open” – be out on the streets – working in your yard, without the fear of being hit over the head or robbed!!

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