Election 2009: 2 chances to see the people who want your vote

checkbox.jpgCANDIDATE FORUM IN HIGHLAND PARK: Next meeting of the Highland Park Action Committee, 7 pm September 23, is now taking shape with a candidates’ forum as the centerpiece; HPAC chair Dan Mullins says they’re focusing on all the big races – King County Executive, Seattle Mayor and Council, Port Commissioner – and “the candidates are responding to our requests” (no final lineup yet though). It’ll be at the Highland Park Improvement Committee building, 1119 SW Holden (map).

MAYORAL HOPEFULS AT THE LABOR TEMPLE THIS WEEK: Less than one week after their much-talked-about first “debate” – more of a Q/A forum – downtown, Joe Mallahan and Mike McGinn will share the stage again at 4:30 pm this Wednesday (September 16) at the Seattle Labor Temple, 2800 1st Avenue (map) — not in West Seattle, but it was among the events announced at last Wednesday’s 34th District Democrats meeting.

2 Replies to "Election 2009: 2 chances to see the people who want your vote"

  • financial_foodie September 12, 2009 (9:42 pm)

    And don’t forget the GSBA Candidate Forum on September 23rd. It’s not taking place in West Seattle but GSBA does have a substantial number of members in WS. Myself, a member since 2005 and recent 1st-time-homebuyer from First Hill now living in Rox Hill. Read more here.

  • WSB September 12, 2009 (9:56 pm)

    thanks! I would love to hear about and share news of all candidate forums even if they’re not in the immediate area, just a matter of hearing about them, spare time for outreach is hard to find. so I appreciate you mentioning this one. and welcome to West Seattle! – TR

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