West Seattle scenes: Beer (in the) garden; ice-cream open house

Sure, you need a sweater, but otherwise there are music and beverages to keep you warm at West Seattle Nursery till 5 pm today. It’s a fundraiser for Furry Faces Foundation, with Beveridge Place Pub‘s Gary Sink pouring:

We also have a photo to share from an outdoor celebration in the Roxhill area night before last:

(Thursday photo courtesy Lutheran Alliance To Create Housing)
Paul Hogle and other board members from The Lutheran Alliance To Create Housing (LATCH) served ice cream during an open house/ice-cream social at Longfellow and Westwood Courts. LATCH, with 36 member congregations, oversees more than 200 apartments around the city, including these West Seattle properties.

1 Reply to "West Seattle scenes: Beer (in the) garden; ice-cream open house"

  • theshell August 8, 2009 (4:42 pm)

    That is so incredible they are raising money for Furry Friends – I LOVE the Beverage Place for doing that.

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