West Seattle Crime Watch: Break-in victims with advice for you

August 17, 2009 11:58 am
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We’ve received two West Seattle Crime Watch reports this morning to share with you – one vehicle break-in, one home break-in. Both victims have advice for you based on what they’ve learned about what happened to them – read on:

First, from Jim:

Sorry for the late notification, but wanted to let readers still know. Our mini-van was broken into on Sat 8/15 (34th & Morgan) [map].

Happened sometime between 11PM and 7AM. Passenger side window broken and the glove box gone through. We do leave items in the car, but amazingly there doesn’t seem to be anything missing.

We have a mount for a GPS device that we leave on the windshield, so they may have been looking for the GPS, which we don’t leave in the car. Looks like we will have to take the mount off now as well. Just very frustrating. We did call the police to report it.

This is from a West Seattle neighbor who wants to be anonymous:

Our closest intersection is 45th and Spokane, near Madison Middle [map]. We left the house after dinner for about an hour, and during that time someone used a patio table to get up and into an open window in the back of our house. They were quick but thorough-took computer, DVD player, jewelry, cameras and lenses, purse and wallet. They then used one of my credit cards to get gas at the Shell at Morgan Junction at about 7:30 PM.

The cops were very responsive, and even went down to the Shell to see if they could get video from that timeframe. Said that 7 of 10 “break ins” they see are via open windows and doors. With the weather heating up this week, people should be aware that it’s worth it to lock windows and doors even if you are leaving the house for a short time!!

All Crime Watch coverage is archived here, and that same page includes prevention information as well as the latest SPDBlotter reports from the Southwest Precinct.

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