North Delridge Neighborhood Council: Elections ahead, and more

August 6, 2009 3:49 am
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Toplines from last night’s North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting:

ndncsign.jpg*Officer elections are coming up in October. But first – nominations will be sought; look for that announcement on the NDNC e-mail group.

*Adopt-A-Street cleanup: You’re invited to pitch in and help out on August 29th. As usual, volunteers will meet up that morning at Delridge Community Center and take off after coffee/snacks. Watch for more details. Separate cleanups may be scheduled for area traffic circles.

*Future meeting speakers: When this topic came up, a popular suggestion was Al Poole, the city’s director of “homelessness intervention” – group members have been talking about the seasonal return of makeshift homeless mini-camps in the greenbelt along 26th SW, and this type of speaker might help educate everyone on how to handle such situations, as well as dealing with the chronic problem that the NDNC has fought in recent months (notably including the tour given to city leaders four months ago) – rundown, vacant houses, often taken over by squatters.

*Location change for next month’s meeting: Watch for an announcement – the library isn’t available that night (September 2) – suggestions included Olympia Pizza, but nothing’s final yet.

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