TRAFFIC ALERT: The southbound 1st Avenue South lane closures announced (then revised) by SDOT last week start today; details here.
DELRIDGE PRODUCE CO-OP “MOBILE MARKET,” DAY 4: Today’s the finale for the first of four 4-day, 4-stop weeks in the Mobile Market trial period — 3:30-7 pm at Youngstown Arts Center (4408 Delridge; map), 3:30-7:30 pm. Go get free fruits/vegetables and help shape the future of fresh food in Delridge. (Here’s our Friday story; here’s coverage today.)
SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE BARBECUE/POTLUCK: Bring something to share and/or grill, and join SWS in celebrating summer at the shelter behind Camp Long Lodge (5200 35th SW; map), 7 pm.
COMMUNITY KAYAK TOUR ON THE DUWAMISH: Should be a beautiful night on the river. The semiweekly tours only have a few more sessions before summer’s end – to see if there’s room tonight (leaving from South Park at 6 pm), go here for RSVP info.
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