MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENT: WSB will be at City Hall with the rest of the media at 10 am today to cover Mayor Greg Nickels‘ first news briefing since Election Night. Widespread speculation is that he will concede; after three days of vote-counting, he remains in third place, behind Joe Mallahan and Mike McGinn, though thousands of ballots remain to be counted.

DELRIDGE PRODUCE CO-OP MOBILE MARKET, WEEK 2: Lots of buzz about Week 1 of this experiment in making more fresh food available in Delridge. Today, this month-long pilot project starts its second week – a different location for each of four consecutive days (the same 4 each week). Find them today at Watts Electric, 9050 Delridge (map), 3:30-7:30 pm.

“THE MUSIC MAN”: Twelfth Night Productions (WSB sponsor) is now in the final weekend of this exuberant production (our video from last Saturday shows why we use that adjective!) – and since they had sellout crowds last weekend, you’ll want to buy tickets early (they’re available online). 7:30 pm tonight and Saturday, 3 pm Sunday, West Seattle High School Theater.
LAYNE STALEY TRIBUTE PRE-SHOW PARTY: Tonight, 7 pm at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), there are “giveaways, raffles, a silent auction, rare video footage and a night of music from the late Seattle singer” one night before the downtown tribute concert raising money for heroin recovery in memory of the late rocker. More at the Feedback Lounge website.
That’s just part of what’s happening today/tonight – check the WSB Events calendar, and the coming-up-later-this-morning West Seattle Weekend Lineup, for more.
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