(click to see larger, zoomable PDF version)
If you missed it at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market last Sunday – that’s the eye-catching official poster for the West Seattle Junction Summer Outdoor Movies on the Wall series, which kicks off in just two and a half weeks. And the head movie maven herself, Lora Lewis from Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor), sent along a photo of barista Kerry (photo) – who is going to be the bachelorette in the pre-movie festivities for the kickoff showing of “The Princess Bride” (Saturday night, July 18). What Lora’s looking for now is three bachelors to come forward for the “Find a True Prince Dating Game” – send your pic/contact info to lora@hotwirecoffee.com. See the full movie slate on the official Movies on the Wall site (WSB is among the series co-sponsors; we’ll be leading you in the five-note singalong before “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” in August!)