West Seattle Summer Fest: Money-making opportunity

June 23, 2009 11:03 am
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(2008 Summer Fest photo by Christopher Boffoli)
Just two and a half weeks till West Seattle Summer Fest (WSB sponsor), the July 10-11-12 three-day street festival in The Junction (almost a 4-day event, with the West Seattle Art Walk happening after the streets shut down the night before) – and Susan Melrose at the West Seattle Junction Association has just sent word of a money-making opportunity that might interest you:

The Junction Association is offering community groups an opportunity to earn some money while providing a public safety service at West Seattle Summer Fest. Your group can earn a stipend of $300 for a half day of work at the festival. Groups can sign up for multiple shifts to earn more money. This is a great opportunity for youth teams and booster clubs.

What: Act as cross walk guards at intersections at Summer Fest. Festivalgoers might accidentally walk into the street and the guards will remind people to stop at lights.

When: Shifts are: Friday 10-3, Friday 3-8, Sunday 11-3, or Sunday 3-7

How Many: Each shift requires 8-10 volunteers at all times. Your group must be able to fill the entire shift.

Who: Must be 16 years old to volunteer. Safety vests provided.

Shifts are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact Liz Schroeder with the Junction Association at liz@wsjunction.org.

As noted here previously, this year’s music lineup is all set (see it here); more online info about the festival’s offerings is in the works but we’ve also had a sneak peek (WSB story from 6/8) at some of this year’s improvements, including the “kid zone” moving to California SW by Curious Kidstuff and one of the music stages moving to SW Alaska near Junction Plaza Park (where you’ll find a park-fundraiser beer garden) from its old location at the south end of the festival zone.

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