Registration open for West Seattle Soccer Club’s fall (!) season

June 8, 2009 1:25 pm
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From Tim McMonigle with the West Seattle Soccer Club:

Thanks to all who participated in our spring soccer season. We were blessed with sunny and 70+ degree weather on each of our Sunday game days. Join us for another exciting season this fall. The WSSC serves players from 5-18 years old. The open registration period for the West Seattle Soccer Club is through June 30th.

Returning players that register by June 30th will be given priority placement on their former teams. Players that register after that date will be placed in the general pool and assigned to a team on a space available basis. Coed U7 registration will close on August 15th. To register, go to and click on the Register link on the left, then follow the instructions.

A new option this year is to order WSSC hoodies with your registration. Attached is a picture of the new hoodie [photo below], or you can view another sample on our website. The cost of the hoodie is $25 and will be added to your registration total. If you don’t have a child playing in the WSSC but would still like to order a hoodie, please send an email to the WSSC at with your size. Represent WSSC proudly!

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