WSB on NPR, as “On the Media” looks at the Seattle news world

We try not to take up much time and space here on the main page talking about panels we’re on and outside-media mentions we’ve gotten for being among the first nationwide to truly succeed as a respectable, commercial, online-only neighborhood-news operation. It would be boring to prattle on about ourselves, since WSB is about you. But this is a rare bit of national exposure, so we’re breaking our rule, and linking to it here: Two weeks ago we spent a few minutes at the KUOW Radio studios in the U-District taping an interview for the weekly NPR show “On the Media,” which was putting together a look at the Seattle news world, post-paper-P-I. The finished product is on this week’s program – which airs on KUOW at 7 pm Sunday, but is online now, and you can listen (via the embedded player above, or go to the OTM site here) if you’re interested. Your editor here is featured for about four minutes, starting five and a half minutes into the piece (after Eli Sanders from The Stranger). Now, back to the news … and thanks again for your support, your sharing of news tips and stories and photos, and for just being there.

9 Replies to "WSB on NPR, as "On the Media" looks at the Seattle news world"

  • JBL May 30, 2009 (11:32 am)

    Good show. Nice to know that our WS Blog is on the cutting edge. Reminds me of KCMU (KEXP rather) in the early days.

  • CB May 30, 2009 (12:08 pm)

    NPR forgot to mention that virtually every story in the Stranger is made-up. It kills me that they are extended any credibility as a legitimate news source.

  • Joey May 30, 2009 (12:50 pm)

    Nice work.

    That is one of my favorite NPR podcasts. Left, Right and Center (which is really Left, Left, Left and Right!) is the other.

    WSB rocks, way to go.

  • Kevin May 30, 2009 (12:53 pm)

    That was very interesting. I’m glad you decided to “break your own rule” and share that with us.
    It would be just as much of a disservice NOT to share things like this! Thank you for all your great work!

  • Kayzel May 30, 2009 (1:19 pm)

    Brava! Terrific overview of our local situation and you did yourself & WSB proud. We KNOW you go to the design review meetings. And school board, and community planning …. thanks again for ‘covering the waterfront.’

  • Christopher Boffoli May 30, 2009 (5:55 pm)

    TR: I just listened to the piece. I think you came off very well as ever. Nicely done.

  • charlabob May 30, 2009 (5:57 pm)

    Great job! WSB covers the topics that matter, and that tend to be ignored. Among other things, you help people understand how to be better concerned citizens.

    Actually, some of us wish you guys would do a lot more self-promotion. Let’s face it — if you don’t, who will? Other Seattle media? Other West Seattle Media? Really??? Self-effacement only works in, um, tattooing? :-)

  • HMC Rich May 30, 2009 (10:23 pm)

    Yeah, toot your horn more. Congrats. Being in the media biz can wear you down. After 23 years of it, (fortunately in sports) even I sometimes I get tired of it. I marvel at your blog and the amount of information you generate. Nobody can compare but eventually someone will try so let us know when good news comes about. Nice interview. Well done.

  • john m May 31, 2009 (12:16 pm)

    You spoke well on the value of community reporting. Thanks from the east coast!

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