Update: Police search in Gatewood area

Thanks to those who’ve e-mailed about a police search under way on the east side of Gatewood – west of 35th, centering around SW Kenyon. There is a report of possible shots fired but there is no report of a shooting victim at this point. A K-9 unit is involved in the search and has followed tracks to a building on 35th SW. 10:49 PM UPDATE: Commenter says the shots were heard at 34th/Kenyon (map). Still no indication on 911 log of any actual shooting victim. Sounds like the search trail is stalling.

28 Replies to "Update: Police search in Gatewood area"

  • subterrane April 23, 2009 (10:43 pm)

    I’m 99% certain it was gunshots. My wife and I counted at least 5. Apparently, there was a witness that described the weapon.

  • Stuart April 23, 2009 (10:45 pm)

    May I ask whereabout you are?

  • subterrane April 23, 2009 (10:47 pm)

    I’m 32nd and Holden. It was at 34th and Kenyon. Sounds like two went on foot down the alley behind the Chevron. A white SUV went south on 35th. The dog tracked to an apartment building at 7900 block of 36th, I think.

  • WSB April 23, 2009 (10:48 pm)

    Thanks. Only thing we can say for sure on our end is that there is no injury call at all in the area. Doesn’t mean someone won’t turn up – and sometimes even shooting victims wind up directly at a hospital — but right now, nothing at all on 911 log. (Aside from “two cars deliberately crashing into each other” in the 2600 block of SW Brandon, but no hint that’s related … so far …)

  • Stuart April 23, 2009 (10:50 pm)

    Thanks for that! I’m at 37th and Elmgrove and about 15 min ago the cops were on the street and loudspeakered to stay indoors…which I’ve never heard before! So, yeah…

  • Fish April 23, 2009 (10:51 pm)

    Confirmed shots fired, I live on 32nd & Kenyon just spoke to the cops and the do have K9 out, headed down in the ally by the kenyon hall. Additional units just showed up and gettho bird is in the air!!

  • aaron April 23, 2009 (10:52 pm)

    contamment just got canceld listing to scanner

  • anna April 23, 2009 (10:56 pm)

    i must be lanking out.is kenyon hall on 35th and is this shooting more towards fauntleroy and the ferry dock

  • Marion April 23, 2009 (11:02 pm)

    We live at 32nd and Holden, any idea if anyone has been apprehended or if there is still a chase underway? We didn’t hear the gunshots, just saw the police cars blocking the main road.

  • WSB April 23, 2009 (11:02 pm)

    Yes, they’re breaking up and told Guardian One the chopper wouldn’t be needed after all .. the trail apparently ended at that building with no further evidence. Yes, Kenyon Hall is on 35th, just south of Kenyon, so this would have started about a block east of there, though the search moved into the neighborhoods just west of 35th. Again, no evidence of any shooting victim so far, though we’ll keep the radar up in case one shows up later … TR

  • Marion April 23, 2009 (11:05 pm)

    Thanks so much! Here’s hoping for quick apprehension.

  • subterrane April 23, 2009 (11:06 pm)

    I have no hope of a quick apprehension. Those guys are long gone, now. I think I need a stiff drink…

  • CD April 23, 2009 (11:07 pm)

    What is happening to west Seattle? All this crime lately. I wonder if this is a spike in our neighborhood or more regional. Or am I just more aware because I check the blog so often!

  • subterrane April 23, 2009 (11:09 pm)

    I think we’re all more aware. After John’s got robbed, we’ve been a lot more alert.

  • WSB April 23, 2009 (11:13 pm)

    Crime is not up dramatically, you should know, at least per police stats. I know it can be stressful sometimes to read about what’s happening but we stand firmly in “knowledge is power” – when we know what’s happening in our community, we can take action, be watchful, etc., so we are hopeful that in the end, reporting it, and facilitating the sharing of your reports, outweighs the stress. And we cover lots of other stories too (stand by for tonight’s Feedback Lounge sneak peek, up in about 15 minutes!) … everybody take care … we’ll check with police overnight/in the morning to see if there’s any further info … TR

  • Marion April 23, 2009 (11:16 pm)

    copter’s back, anything?

  • Marion April 23, 2009 (11:17 pm)

    I think I could go for that stiff drink, now

  • WSB April 23, 2009 (11:18 pm)

    I heard it fly over our house (about a mile southwest of where you are) – is it circling? sounded like it was just passing by. no scanner traffic related to this, right now … TR

  • CD April 23, 2009 (11:18 pm)

    How is the clerk(owner?) from john’s? It’s all starting to freak me out. I wonder if 4 dogs would be too much for my small house–I think I need a german shepard. My lab isn’t much of a deterrent.

  • Marion April 23, 2009 (11:21 pm)

    I haven’t heard it again… maybe it was heading back to boeing field

  • subterrane April 23, 2009 (11:24 pm)

    The helicopter was called off. I’m pretty sure the entire search if over. I’m half tempted to go out and look for the shells where we think the shooters were.

    The clerk at John’s is fine. He’s back to work a smiling as usual. They have a lot of new cameras, though…

  • Stephen April 24, 2009 (6:22 am)

    We are at 30th and Holden and heard the gunfire, we had no idea which direction they came from, I thought it may have been from EC Hughes playground, turns out I was wrong.

  • steve April 24, 2009 (10:48 am)

    We are 35th near kenyon and heard nothing last night. It seems a lot of people that don’t live around here are using 31st, 34th, etc instead of 35th to go north or south. I guess riff raff like avoiding arterials

  • David April 24, 2009 (11:43 am)

    I’m at 29th an Trenton and I hear the shots last night. The sound was definitely gun shots.

  • ryan April 24, 2009 (6:54 pm)

    I live on 34th, three houses down from Kenyon. Yes, there were shots fired. Two people were having an argument in a SUV. A third person on the sidewalk fired at the car. Two people ran off on foot. I was outside smoking at the time and heard everything quite clearly. The police that responded believed it was a drug deal gone bad.

  • WTF April 25, 2009 (10:16 pm)

    So, if it’s a drug deal gone bad and the SUVers are sitting on your street, why didn’t you call the police? If someone doesn’t belong, move them on. Next time the bullet will go (exactly) where it wasn’t “suppose” to.

  • Mustafa April 29, 2009 (12:14 pm)

    It might have just been a car backfiring.

  • M. May 2, 2009 (12:23 am)

    Heard a disturbance, went out to investigate,saw an altercation; an SUV with a man fighting with someone unseen in the open back door of the white SUV. I then saw a black male wearing a dark hoodie and black baggy pants aiming a semi automatic weapon at the vehicle. Ran inside to call 911 and heard several gunshots while on the phone.Shooter was observed by another walking e-bound on Kenyon.Another unknown male ran away from scene, SUV then sped off.Entire incident lasted maybe 2 or 3 minutes.Police arrived within a minute or two,dog searched area, and ‘copter circled a few minutes after that.Thanks to all in the neighborhood,met some new folks keep a lookout, always.

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