month : 04/2009 382 results

Fauntleroy schoolhouse purchase plan update: FCSA-FCA meeting

April 22, 2009 11:56 pm
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Where does the Fauntleroy Community Service Agency‘s plan to buy the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse stand now, and where is it going? That’s the gist of what was discussed during last night’s joint meeting of FCSA and Fauntleroy Community Association leaders. The meeting was facilitated by John Howell of the Cedar River Group, which has been working with FCSA on the building acquisition over the past year. The most recent development reported here has been a lawsuit against Seattle Public Schools seeking to stop the schoolhouse-site sale, and that was a big part of last night’s discussion – read on for more:Read More

Update: Police arrest Skyelar Hailey; he’s now in jail

ORIGINAL 10:57 PM REPORT: Just got a trustable tip that Skyelar Hailey, the 18-year-old repeat offender who fled police trying to arrest him on warrants last night, resulting in an air/ground/K-9 search, has just been taken into custody in the Admiral area. Will update when officially confirmed, though that might not be till he shows up on the jail register. The photo at left, by the way, is the official mug shot from Hailey’s last jail booking in February, according to the source who sent it to us tonight (our requests to get it through official channels had all been denied). Here’s our archived coverage, newest to oldest.

2:10 AM UPDATE: Confirmation just appeared on the King County Jail Register — Hailey was booked into the jail half an hour ago.

THURSDAY MORNING UPDATE: Bail information is updated on Hailey’s jail listing — “bail denied” for the two theft-related warrants, $5,000 bail for the warrant related to the protection-order violation.

Alaskan Way Viaduct = Tunnel? State House says “yes,” 53-43

ORIGINAL 9:59 PM REPORT: Thanks to Vlad Oustimovitch (who was on the Stakeholders Committee) for the tip – SB 5768 (full legislation here), the bill that would pave the way for a tunnel to replace the Central Waterfront section of the Alaskan Way Viaduct, is being debated in the state House right now. Watch live on TVW, via cable or online here. We’ll report the results here when the vote happens.

10:14 PM UPDATE: The vote’s in — 53 yes, 43 no. Those voting “yes” included both of West Seattle’s State Representatives, Eileen Cody and Sharon Nelson. The bill passed the State Senate 43-6 on March 4th. Checking now on next steps and amendments.

ADDED 10:30 PM: As noted in comments, the most notable amendment to be adopted before the vote is one by Eastside Rep. Judy Clibborn that has the following effect, per the documentation (which you can read in its entirety here):

(1) Establishes that the state’s contribution to the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project shall not exceed $2.4 billion.

(2) Provides that if costs exceed $2.4 billion, no more than $400 million must be financed with toll revenue.

(3) Establishes that any costs in excess of $2.8 billion must be borne by property owners in the Seattle area who benefit from replacing the existing viaduct with the tunnel.

ADDED 10:41 PM: Governor Gregoire just issued this statement:

“I congratulate the House on their decision to support the bored tunnel replacement for the Alaskan Way Viaduct. I particularly want to commend Transportation committee chairperson, Judy Clibborn for her leadership and Speaker Frank Chopp for his willingness to advance the option that best meets the needs of our state.

“I must also applaud the extraordinary amount of hard work put in by a variety of elected, labor and business leaders, neighborhood groups and key stakeholders that reviewed years of research, analysis and creative approaches and garnered support for the bored tunnel option.

“Lawmakers can be proud of this decision to improve public safety, keep a route open for traffic during construction, and generate thousands of new family-wage jobs in the Puget Sound region.

“This viaduct replacement legislation accomplishes one of two important go-home transportation issues. I now encourage the Senate and House to pass the bond legislation needed to ensure funding to replace the aging state Route 520 bridge. Building a deep bored tunnel and upgrading SR 520 will support a strong economy today and in the future.”

It’s been 3 months since we sat in the front row of a packed room at Bell Harbor Conference Center on the waterfront as the governor, Mayor Nickels, and County Executive Ron Sims first announced the tunnel plan (WSB coverage here and, with video added later, here). Vlad Oustimovitch was among those whose comments we captured on video that day; tonight, asked for post-vote comment, he told WSB, “I was recently stopped on the street by a gentleman named Bob, who somehow knew about my involvement with the viaduct. He thanked me, but I think the most important thing he said is that on this project, the ‘Seattle Process’ worked. I couldn’t say it any better.”

“Don’t be bored this summer”: Activities Fair at High Point this Sat.

April 22, 2009 9:06 pm
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High Point Neighborhood Association president Andrew Mead shares a reminder for West Seattle families — you can find out about your options for local summer activities, jobs, and programs at a special event this Saturday: the Summer Youth Activities Fair, 10 am-1 pm at High Point Community Center. Here’s the official flyer (also printable for friends who might miss online announcements). Parents are welcome as well as kids and teens.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Neighbors both hit by burglar(s)

Clayton e-mailed WSB to get the word out that he and his neighbors were both burglarized on Tuesday; they live near 9th/Henderson in Highland Park (map).

ADDED WEDNESDAY NIGHT: We also have word of a Sunday night burglary at California/Hill in the Admiral District.

West Seattle Earth Day: Car giveaway’s done, free bags remain!

The team from Movin’ 92.5 FM‘s “The Ladies Room” is in that video – courtesy Michele at West Seattle Thriftway — flanking the winner of the 3-wheeled ECO Motor Company Green Car that they gave away at the store today as part of an Earth Day extravaganza. Finalists competed in a motorized shopping-cart race:

Here’s the car:

Also today, Thriftway’s been giving away reusable bags to shoppers — all groceries are being bagged that way — and Michele says it’s going great, supplies should last till the store closes at midnight, no complaints, even! One other photo from earlier today in Thriftway — WSB’er BJP caught this mom and daughter shopping with an environmental exhibit (apparently from a school event):

One more free bag P.S. Celeste shared a coupon for a free reusable bag with a $10 purchase from Bartell Drugssee it here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Skyelar Hailey search continues

To recap, police continue looking for 18-year-old Skyelar Hailey, a convicted burglar and repeat offender who they tried to stop last night to arrest on outstanding warrants — he ran off, with a car and motorcycle getting damaged in the process; a helicopter and K-9 team joined the search (WSB as-it-happened coverage here) but he got away. One commenter in our previous report says police are showing his mug shot to area residents. Seattle Police so far have denied our requests for that mug shot (as explained in this morning’s report), but we have received several unofficial photos, including the one at left, and links to what’s on a MySpace page now as well as an old school photo. We also are told the warrants for his arrest are for two counts of theft and violating a domestic-violence protection order; the car he was driving last night, which we are told belongs to a friend of his, is a maroon 1991 Honda Accord. As for any additional description – 6’2″ or taller, and about 180 pounds, with a gap between his front teeth. If you have any information on his whereabouts, police want to hear from you immediately (911 is probably your best bet in this case).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Metal-theft suspect alert

Out of the WSB inbox, from KC:

Caught & confronted a metal thief heading south in the alleys around Brandon & Fauntleroy. Asked him if he had permission to take the things he was taking. He said no. We told him to put it back, because he was stealing. Called the police immediately & reported it.

Read on for the description of the man KC confronted, and more details on the incident:Read More

Traffic alert update: East Duwamish bridge lane closures’ start set

(from the map on the city webpage for this project)
From SDOT – they’ve been warning that East Duwamish Waterway Bridge work was about to start, and now we have word that lane closures, between the West Seattle “low bridge” and the downtown waterfront, will start tomorrow – read on for the latest announcement:Read More

Congrats to Chief Sealth’s National Merit Scholarship recipient

Thanks to Susan for e-mailing to be sure everyone hears that Chief Sealth High School senior Maxwell Forbes is one of five students citywide — about 1,000 nationwide — to get a corporate-sponsored National Merit Scholarship. The list is on’s Big Blog (whose lead reporter Monica Guzman will be at Cafe Rozella at 5:30 pm today for her weekly meetup). Here’s more background on the scholarships.

Bittersweet celebration: Last Earth Day for Cooper Elementary

One of the special programs at Cooper Elementary School is called The EARTH Project — and a garden on the south side of the school has been a centerpiece. Today is the last Earth Day that Cooper students and staffers will work in that garden, since the school “program” is being closed at the end of this year, with Pathfinder K-8 (which also has an “environmental focus”) moving in. AmeriCorps volunteers invited us to come share the occasion – that’s AmeriCorps’ Gina Barteletti at left with kindergarteners, planting kinnikinnick:

Assisting students in this next photo, Cooper parent Steve Ball with the group in the foreground, head teacher David Kipnis at right:

The kindergarteners got a quick briefing about how to plant before they donned gloves and went over to dig and plant. They also brought notes “thanking the plants” – they were instructed to tear up the notes and put them into the planting holes:

Hundreds of native plants, purchased by AmeriCorps with grant money, were to be placed in the garden before this round of planting ends. As the kindergarteners returned to their classrooms, they got to high-five a “fishy” visitor:

And then, the shovels were lined up and waiting for the next class, which was to take its turn right after lunch:

The Nature Consortium, which stewards and restores the West Duwamish Greenbelt – including the section that Cooper borders – also had representatives at today’s planting event. Another local school with an environmental emphasis, Gatewood Elementary, will be the new school for more than 100 Cooper students; Gatewood teacher Donna Rodenberg told us at last weekend’s Earth Festival at Cooper that they’re working on outreach to ease the transition, letting the incoming students know about Gatewood’s Project Earth Care.

New city website showcases Seattle music you might have missed

Just in from the city – word of a new website spotlighting Seattle composers, “presenting music you might otherwise never have the opportunity to hear.” Read on for the full announcement (and how to become part of it):Read More

Traffic alert update: Crash at 37th/Admiral – scene now clear

(sidewalk/planter damage visible, beyond tow trailer with the crashed car on it)
Thanks to Meredith for the tip – traffic is moving very slowly along Admiral at 37th (between the business district and the viewpoint), where she says a crash appears to have taken out some of the median plantings, and responding police/fire have blocked at least two lanes. So avoid the area TFN. No word yet on whether anyone’s hurt. 2:04 PM UPDATE: We’re at the scene; the crash is in the westbound lanes right at the top of the hill before it curves toward the business district, but east/southbound traffic also is down to one lane till it’s cleared. 3:19 PM UPDATE: Adding photos. Car’s been towed.

Update on Scatt the cat, White Center attack survivor

(photo from Pasado’s Safe Haven website)
One day after first word of the attack that left Scatt the Cross Church cat in the hospital, and put his alleged attacker in jail, there’s an online update from Pasado’s Safe Haven, the local animal-advocacy group that has offered to foot Scatt‘s medical bills. Scatt’s gone through surgery and is now being evaluated for possible peritonitis. Read the latest here. 6 PM UPDATE: First-degree animal-cruelty charges are now filed in this case.

Followup: Post-chopper search, Skyelar Hailey still being sought

We’re starting a new story today for updates, if and when we get them, on the search for 18-year-old convicted West Seattle burglar Skyelar Hailey, who police say fled late last night when they tried to arrest him on warrants, touching off an air and ground search that we covered here as it happened. Commenters have asked if we can get his mug shot from police; we have asked, but right now, they are not releasing it. From working in Seattle media for almost two decades, we can tell you mug shots have never been routinely available around here, except for three circumstances: 1. A very high-profile search (murder suspect, kidnapper); 2. Registered sex offenders, whose photos are included in the searchable online database; 3. If the criminal has served state prison time, as an adult (in which case the state Department of Corrections will consider releasing a photo). Commenters have provided this MySpace link which they say is his – it includes a small photo (and profanity, NSFW). What you see at left is a section of the publicly accessible state court system webpage showing some of the cases against Hailey; others not shown date back to 2002, when he would have been just 12. Meantime, we checked with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to see how last night’s incident might affect the Friday sentencing scheduled for Hailey after a plea deal in the November Admiral incident (prosecutors didn’t have enough evidence to prove he was in the burglarized house, so the guilty plea was for criminal trespass); spokesperson Dan Donohoe tells WSB, “Eluding police would violate part of the plea agreement, and if there is probable cause that he eluded police, then we would use that as a basis for requesting a longer sentence.” We’ll continue tracking this through the day and will add any new information as we get it.

12:33 PM UPDATE: Just talked with Sgt. Sean Whitcomb, who runs the SPD media unit; he says the department’s current policy is that it just doesn’t release mug shots except in circumstances such as, a particularly violent crime is involved. So still no mug shot. But a WSBer has uploaded what they say is an old school photo of Hailey to Twitpic; grainy but you can see it here.

Happening today/tonight: Job-seeker workshop; budget-cut hearing

April 22, 2009 6:48 am
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2 highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar, in addition to the Earth Day activities reported here and here:

JOB-SEEKER WORKSHOP: WorkSource has another one at Delridge Library tonight, 6:30 pm.

BUDGET-CUT HEARING: Got something you would like to say to the City Council about the major cuts being made in the city budget’s “general fund” items? 5:30 pm, City Hall. More info here.

Why West Seattle’s becoming an even busier hub of bicycle activity

Biking to work in honor of Earth Day? If you’re a regular bike commuter, ever heard of the Bicycle Commuter Act of 2008? Or even if you’re only a casual biker, you’ll still likely be interested in what’s ahead in the full story on bicycling-related news from Monday night’s “Bike-A-Palooza” at Sustainable West Seattle. For starters, you’ll see more sharrows and bike lanes on West Seattle roads before the year’s out:Read More

Don’t let the sun set on your Community Garage Sale Day chance

David Rosen from SlickPix Photography shared that photo of Tuesday night’s sunset – and since we’d share it with you no matter what, having a soft spot for beautiful sunset photos, we thought we’d tie it to a mention that the 5th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day registration countdown rolls on, just a few days left to go: If you’re going to celebrate spring by getting rid of unwanted stuff and making some extra $ on a day when the whole world is invited to come shop around West Seattle, your registration form needs to be in by 11:59 pm this Saturday, April 25. (And if you’re going to mail in your form to reach us by Saturday’s delivery, please be sure to get it in the mail by Thursday!) Our peninsula becomes Garage Sale Paradise 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 9th; 110+ sales signed up already; get yours on the map – online registration here, mail-in form viewable/printable form here, or pick up a preprinted form at locations listed here. Next steps once you’ve signed up: We’ll be sending you an info-packet including your “official participant” sign; the map will be available May 3, with the first ones ready to be picked up at the WSB table at that day’s Sustainable West Seattle Festival (sponsoring, and co-sponsored by, WSB); we’re promoting the big day all around the metro area, so get ready for a shopper deluge!

Update: West Seattle helicopter search, for a well-known suspect

helicopterwatch.pngThere’s a search under way right now northwest of Morgan Junction – we’re not entirely sure how it started, but it sounds like they are looking for a known burglary suspect, and vandalism involving a motorcycle is part of what’s been discussed on the scanner. A K-9 team is assisting in the search, and it sounds like the law-enforcement helicopter Guardian One is on its way. 12:05 AM UPDATE: We’re monitoring the scanner – no progress to report but as commenters note (and as we can hear in the distance), the helicopter has arrived in West Seattle to join the search. 12:39 AM UPDATE: As discussed in comments, the chopper has left. No indication if there’s been an arrest. We have a message out to police; if we don’t get official information in the next few hours (regarding the suspect status and the nature of whatever incident touched off the search), we’ll continue pursuing it later in the morning.

ADDED 8:45 AM WEDNESDAY: From Sgt. Jeff Durden at the Southwest Precinct:

Last night at 1125 pm, patrol officers attempted to stop a vehicle at California/Findlay driven by Skyelar Hailey and arrest him for his outstanding warrants. He ran from the vehicle which rolled into another car (parked) and then cutting through yards, knocked over a motorcycle damaging it. Despite K9 and Guardian One searches Skyelar escaped. The vehicle he was driving had three passengers who apparently drove away while officers were chasing Skyelar on foot. The parked vehicle was also gone.

We have reported on Skyelar Hailey, an 18-year-old with a long criminal record, here before – in fact, he is to be sentenced this Friday in a case we wrote about exactly one week ago. We were planning to be in court for that and will be checking on how this incident will affect that scheduled hearing.

Ready for a cheerier cat tale? Update on 3-legged Zack

We’ll keep watch on the story of Scat, the White Center church cat, to bring you followups if new information is available. Meantime, if you’re ready for cheerier news, we got e-mail today from Jane, who was “found by” Zack the cat, learned he needed costly surgery (which cost him a leg), and sought help here last winter. Here’s a new pic, followed by an update:

I wanted to give our friends in West Seattle an update on Zack’s life. Zack is doing great. It has been almost four months now since we saved Zack and it is like he has always been a part of the family. The first month of Zack’s amputation was a little rough and I had to make Zack take it easy. I got him off the pain medication so he would not hurt himself running around much by not feeling the pain. Zack could jump up on the bed and chairs but he limped slowly while walking across the rug.

I did not realize that Zack could run as fast as he could. Before I could react, Zack was out the door, setting outside with Maxine. Zack quickly sprayed the perimeter of the yard marking his territory and with a little help from me he chased the mean black cat in the neighborhood, away for good.

Since Zack was neutered he no longer leaves for hours roaming, who knows where. I make sure he is not outside to long and that he gets his rest. Zack loves to run across the yard and through the bushes chasing and playing with Maxine. I do not like my cats killing birds but Maxine and Zack are both hunters. They sit under the fence and wait for the birds to drop down from the fence to the lawn. Two weeks ago I saw Zack jumping two feet in the air, happy as ever. We all went out to see what was going on and Zack had finally caught a small bird. He was so proud. Zack also loves catching spiders, flies and mice.

Zack was underweight when I found him and was not fed properly. His hair was in a bad condition. Now that Zack has been eating a proper diet, has his hair brushed daily, the new growth is coming in healthy and shiny. Zack’s whiskers were short and split and now they are finally nice and long. Zack is gaining weight and getting stronger. He never passes up a bowl of food or a chance to set in my lap. I have attached photos. It is hard to get a photo of Zack running because when he is on the go he runs to fast for the photo.

Thanks again to all of you who helped Zack.

Sincerely, Jane

Here’s another photo, this one with him on the run:

Toplines from West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting

At the Southwest Precinct for the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (which has the biggest crowd we’ve seen in a long time, more than 30 people):

View Larger Map

Beth Gappert, precinct liaison for the City Attorney’s Office, says the owner of the business best known as “the vacuum shop” in the 5200 block of Delridge (Google Street View image above) has pleaded guilty to Seattle Municipal Code violations, as the result of an ongoing investigation involving stolen goods. No jail time at this point – a “deferred sentence” – but she says he is under “tight scrutiny.” (Added 8:09 pm: Talked to Gappert after the meeting – the Municipal Code violations included “engaging in business without a used-goods license” and “failure to retain property for 30 days” – she explains that businesses dealing in used goods are supposed to hold onto them for that long before turning around and selling them.)

Also so far tonight, Southwest Precinct Sgt. Jeff Durden has had two announcements of note: First, a crackdown on suspicious activity in Westcrest Park (he says community activists and Parks crews will be there this Thursday to do some shrubbery trimming to cut down on the hiding places); he also says that Community Police Team officer Kevin McDaniel has added more duties – he is now also responsible for the three major Seattle Housing Authority apartment buildings in West Seattle.

Plus: Sgt. Durden had a few extra notes from last week’s burglary at closed-since-2007 Fairmount Park Elementary — two of the six suspects arrested were adults, and both were booked into jail (the police report from that incident also says there had been two break-ins at the school in the days before that one — nothing significant had been taken but a broken window from those break-ins may have figured into this one).

The Crime Prevention Council also now has its own e-mail address, if you have a question or idea:

Happening tonight: Seacrest on TV; art benefit reminder

April 21, 2009 6:40 pm
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REMEMBER THE SEACREST “CAR BOMB”? Thanks to Jim for the reminder – the show that “explosion” was for, “The Phone,” premieres tonight on MTV, 10 pm. (Here’s our coverage of the Seacrest video shoot, including pictures and video of the fake “car bomb,” back in February.) This also was mentioned earlier today on‘s Big Blog, whose Monica Guzman will be in West Seattle/White Center tomorrow night for her weekly “meetup” – join her at Cafe Rozella starting at 5:30 pm.

ART BENEFIT REMINDER: Now till 8 pm, for anything you buy at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) or Mission, both on California north of Admiral, 10 percent goes to the Pratt Fine Arts Center, as both establishments display work that West Seattle artists have donated for Pratt’s upcoming fundraising auction.

From White Center Now: Man arrested for attacking church cat

Just published at our partner site White Center Now: The King County Sheriff’s Office just sent word that a man’s been arrested after allegedly attacking a White Center church’s cat – which may not survive the resulting injuries. Read the story here. 6:30 PM UPDATE: This case is getting TV coverage too – here’s the channel 4 link, for starters.