Milestone birthday for ex-West Seattleite mountaineers

Just posted at, a report on today’s 80th birthday celebration for mountaineer twins Lou and Jim Whittaker, reminiscing about getting their start on West Seattle hills. (They’ve since moved away.)

6 Replies to "Milestone birthday for ex-West Seattleite mountaineers"

  • wow February 10, 2009 (11:23 pm)

    I used to have a Jim Whittaker coat, he’s a legend! Happy Birthday to him and his brother

  • JanS February 11, 2009 (3:22 am)

    wow..hard to believe that they’re 80…damn…

  • JH February 11, 2009 (7:11 am)

    Those two look so good! It’s all about exercising and outdoor activity!!!!!

  • miws February 11, 2009 (8:10 am)

    Happy Birthday Lou & Jim!



  • brandon February 11, 2009 (8:51 am)

    West Seattle: Home to the Whittakers, the Andersons (founders of REI), and Ed Viesturs (premiere high altitude climber), among numerous other climbers. Whats in the water (or the hills as Jim and Lou would say)? Something is brewing here, I hope my kids catch it too. Happy Birthday, and many more.

  • MB February 11, 2009 (5:41 pm)

    I had the pleasure of listening to Jim speak at work last year…WOW, what an amazing man and an amazing life! Eddie Bauer wishes Jim a very happy birthday and we feel so fortunate to have him on the team again!

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