From the WSB “More” page: 2 CL sightings

From the WSB More page (which automatically posts the latest West Seattle mentions from citywide/regional media, followed by the latest West Seattle mentions on CL): First, a Leschi rental ad headlined ESCAPE WEST SEATTLE and raising the spectre of looming traffic doom – might be misplaced given that the tunnel proposal could keep The Viaduct open during construction. Second, a reported dog attack in Lincoln Park (thanks to Diane for the tip) – we’ve sent a note with a followup question.

16 Replies to "From the WSB "More" page: 2 CL sightings"

  • JanS February 1, 2009 (5:27 pm)

    how sad about the little pup. Sounds almost like the very same scenario when one of our regular forum posters was walking her two dogs on leash, and someone was walking a dog offleash, leashed them up, but approached aggressively.

    The fact that this woman did not even stay to help with the damage that her dog did to this little dachsund is reprehensible…shame on her.

  • AlkiRagdoll February 1, 2009 (5:32 pm)

    I’ve had a bad day…. so I have to comment about these two issues. First, those of us in West Seattle must insist that access be maintained, and if you can imagine, enhanced. The tunnel is the only option to preserve real estate values here. You are sadly misguided if you think rebuilding the viaduct will preserve values here. Thanks for showing the adverstisement.
    About the dog attack. I read the notes earlier this week. I saw a dog nearly killed last year on Alki when a dog on a leash was nearly killed by a dog running free. These pictures are another example, Whomever suggested that the offending dog should be turned over to a shelter has the right idea. The threat of tickets doesnt stop this insantity. These dog owners feel above the law. If I speed, I do it knowingly, and if I get ticketed I might not like it, but deserve it. Someone who owns a dog, should know the laws, and have the dog taken away if they violate it. Sounds harsh, but people are being harmed as are the poor animals….. Geez I hope tomorrow is a better day.

  • Roger February 1, 2009 (5:55 pm)

    I would’ve taken out my knife and killed the German Shephard. It would be self-defense and not a crime. End of story.

  • JoB February 1, 2009 (6:48 pm)

    i wish i knew the identity of this woman myself since i am pretty sure I met her and her unleashed dog in Lincoln Park… and nearly had an encounter with her.

  • Mike February 1, 2009 (6:49 pm)

    Find this owner. I think it’s time for SPD and animal control to start trolling the parks and Alki more often for aggressive dogs and dogs off leash. Start enforcing these rules more.

  • wingme February 1, 2009 (7:00 pm)

    this attack sickens me…unleashed and uncontrolled dogs are menacing to all of us. my cat was recently attacked and severely injured by a free-roaming dog in my own yard.

  • Bonnie February 1, 2009 (7:05 pm)

    Re: the Escape West Seattle CL post….Maybe replacing the viaduct will keep people OUT of West Seattle who don’t live here. Also, I didn’t live here in the early 80’s but I came over this way when the West Seattle Bridge (Freeway :) ) was built and people still got where they wanted to go. I remember lots of construction areas to get through but everybody survived.

  • Kris February 1, 2009 (7:52 pm)

    Some friends told me that their dog was attacked by a Pit Bull in Lincoln Park earlier today. Unfortunately both dogs were off leash.

  • AlkiRagdoll February 1, 2009 (8:32 pm)

    Bonnie — what keeps people out, also keeps people in, severely limiting one’s mobility. I hope you live AND WORK in WS. Most dont. While I wish everyone left their cars at home, not enough ride the bus. In 25 years, much has changed in WS… there are many more homes, and mobility is far worse then before the bridge. Its that kind of thinking that has not fixed our transportation system. I dont want my house to have the same value it did before the bridge — do you?

  • KSJ February 1, 2009 (8:43 pm)

    So why isn’t animal control all over Lincoln Park? Seems to be a big problem there.

  • WSB February 1, 2009 (8:54 pm)

    They have been. But with, I believe, something like eight officers for the entire city, they can’t be in all places at all times. Prior coverage of LP:

  • doxie mom February 1, 2009 (9:31 pm)

    As mom of 2 doxies I am always on the lookout for creeps like the one who had the unleashed sheppard. The woman should be jailed and she should not be allowed to own a powerful breed like that unless she can controll it. I know how much damage a big dog can do to a small breed and I seriously have considered carrying some thing to defend my dogs and myself if this ever happened to me, that means putting the offending dog out of business PERMANENTLY!!!!!
    A couple of summers ago my dog was attacked by a huge Akita and the woman who owned it had the response of a sloth and could not get her dog to stop attacking. The only thing that saved my pup was that it saw another dog and went after it. I gave her a piece of my mind but wanted to give her a good punch!
    My thoughts are with your little one, I hope he/she will make a full recovery and that you will have justice. Get well soon :)

  • GreenSpaces February 2, 2009 (12:30 am)

    You can only hope the photo included with the CL posting re the dog attack gets seen by the perpetrator and they have a modicum of guilt, maybe even causing them to start leashing their dog in public. It is a long shot, however. It’s too bad and as a fellow small dog protector, I really feel for both the doxy and the guardian.

  • homesweethome February 2, 2009 (7:20 am)

    I still cannot fathom why people think a tunnel will improve real estate values. Values (actually prices) soared with the existing infrastructure. I’m no advocating rebuilding what currently exists but people in Seattle are really living a fantasy if they buy into this line of reasoning. Transit, real transit, not an aging bus fleet will raise your value making WS viable into the future.

  • B-squared February 2, 2009 (7:55 am)

    Perhaps folks that walk the parks with their dogs on leashes should consider carrying mace (or vinegar in a squirt gun) or something similar for those confrontations with unleashed dogs. just like the postman. it is shameful that the law abiding should need to resort to something like this but if it keeps your dog (or child) safe, so be it. there are WAY, WAY too many people who seem to feel that they are above the law. on any given day, visiting lincoln park, the off-leash dogs outnumber the leashed ones easily. take back your park.

  • C.A. February 2, 2009 (10:33 am)

    Poor little pup. :( What a sad thing, and that woman should absolutely be ashamed of herself for thinking the laws don’t apply to her. Where’s the compassion? I take my two young children to the local parks all the time, and they love to run around and have fun, play catch, etc. I’ve taught them not to approach dogs unless the owner is with them, the dog is on a leash, and they’ve said it’s OK for my child to nicely pet them and say hello. The idea that someone’s *aggressive* off-leash animal might come out of nowhere and suddenly decide to make a chew toy out of one of them is more than a little upsetting.

Sorry, comment time is over.