Out of the WSB inbox, from Hillary in Arbor Heights, who called the police to report the car break-ins and then sent this to share with you:
I wanted to get the word out that both my husband’s and my cars were broken into last night. We are at 42nd Ave SW and 100th (map). Our GPS units were stolen, some change, and a phone charger (for a phone which was not in the car, so the charger is USELESS to the moron – but I need it since my phone has been discontinued).
We’ve lived here for less than a year, after a big move from the east coast. My husband uses his GPS for work, and I use it because I’m still becoming familiar with the area. We feel extremely violated and are wishing we were back east right about now.
I won’t expound on how I feel about the jerk who did this. But at least we can help others.
The Seattle Police website offers very basic information about deterring car break-ins; however, as we mentioned in our story about the November meeting of the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, law enforcers say it’s optimal not to leave anything in your car that even hints at a GPS system – even suction cups with nothing visible might give someone impetus to break in to look under the seat or in the glovebox. By the way, the WSCPC meets again this Tuesday night (7 pm at the Southwest Precinct), and there’s always a local police rep in attendance, to share info about the latest local crime trends AND to answer questions personally.