West Seattle Christmas tree shopping? Two reminders

1. We have a list of all West Seattle tree lots (with maps and a price sampler) here.

2. West Seattle Nursery is one of the 12 WSB sponsors participating in our first-ever coupon offering, and one of those coupons is for $5 off any one of their cut trees. Get the coupons here.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Christmas tree shopping? Two reminders"

  • Julie December 7, 2008 (3:42 pm)

    If you prefer natural, un-sheared trees (sometimes called “Charlie Brown” trees), as we do, you may find none at West Seattle sources (if you know of a WS source, I’d love to know!) The closest place we’ve found them in the past three years is in Burien, at Herr Lumber. Their selection is small, and dwindles rapidly, as those who prefer these trees have found their sources reduced to this one. (They told us they had trouble convincing their grower to sell them this year, but they told the grower they have a loyal following of people who depend on them for their trees!)

  • WSB December 7, 2008 (3:52 pm)

    I swear I saw “unsheared” trees somewhere while making the rounds … will post if I remember … though someone hopefully will beat me to it! Did you check West Seattle Nursery? They and Tony’s had the two widest assortment of tree varieties I saw during last weekend’s travels.

  • Julie December 7, 2008 (5:59 pm)

    Thanks for fixing the formatting, WSB!

    I confess this year we just gave up and went straight to Herr, after failing in WS the last two years. But you’re right, last year, WS Nursery did have a couple–they just didn’t happen to meet our standards. I should have checked there again this year.

    Tony’s has not had them in the recent past; I’d be surprised, but I didn’t check.

  • Ann December 7, 2008 (6:10 pm)

    Chubby and Tubby xmas trees up in Lynnwood? Shoreline? (around 175th) on 99 has Charlie Brown trees for $12.99.

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