Happening now: Santa, and wreath sales, in The Junction

Santa Claus isn’t just comin’ to town – he’s here, till 4 pm (and noon-4 pm the next two Sundays) at Cupcake Royale, with photographer Donna Ryan, for Santa photos provided by the West Seattle Junction Association (WSB sponsor); donations are suggested, and go to three West Seattle nonprofits that have a heavier-than-ever load to bear this year – West Seattle Food Bank, WestSide Baby, and West Seattle Helpline. Meantime, kitty-corner via the Walk All Ways intersection at California/Alaska, the Hometown Holidays Headquarters tent is where you’ll find wreath sales for Pathfinder K-8:

Volunteering at the booth today for Pathfinder, Lashanna Williams and Jen Kocir. The school’s fundraising wreaths will be on sale at the HHH tent the next two Sundays (noon-4 in front of Key Bank) too. P.S. They’re doing face-painting too.

4 Replies to "Happening now: Santa, and wreath sales, in The Junction"

  • Eric B December 7, 2008 (3:43 pm)

    The wreaths are all handmade by Pathfinder families and support outdoor ed at Pathfinder; as a result all of the money goes to the school for such things as field trips. It also supports our goal of teaching kids recycling – the greens are all trimmings from our yards – stuff that would be hauled off and composted if they weren’t made into the beautiful wreaths.

  • NGKL December 7, 2008 (4:10 pm)

    This Santa photo thing is wonderful! The people were so nice and it saved us from having to go all the way downtown and wait in a long line with a two-year-old.

  • lg December 7, 2008 (5:02 pm)

    I agree with NGKL! There are two more weeks of santa sundays–if you’re going to take your kids to see santa consider going to the junction. It was just great! The photographer was very patient and took several to make sure she got a good one of our 6 month old, who was not into smiling today. There was no line, and the xmas tree background was nice. I can’t wait to see our photo (which we’ll get to download on Tuesday). Plus, the money goes to a great cause. I hope that the junction does this every year, it’s something that I know we’d like to make a family tradition. Thanks to the WSB for letting us know it was happening.

  • Brynn's mama December 7, 2008 (9:56 pm)

    We really appreciated the Santa photo opp in the Junction. It was a great chance to stay local, eat a cupcake, and donate funds to some worthy local charities – many thanks to all involved. Our daughter also had the chance to get her face painted – we had one beaming little girl all afternoon long!

    Ditto on the thanks to WSB – it’s the first place we look for information about local events and happenings – just a super resource.

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