West Seattle Election Day 2008: First voters

That’s the lineup under the overhang outside Admiral Congregational Church, minutes before voting began at 7 am. In the foreground with a coffee cup, longtime Admiral community activist Dennis Ross, who said he’s going to miss the in-person voting experience (as are we) in future elections. We’re here because in a little while, it’ll be the traditional official Election Day photo-op of the mayor, who votes here (Channel 7 is doing its election-morning live shots from here as a result) . More pix of that, plus the pre-voting scene at the WSB team’s home precinct on the other end of West Seattle, in a bit. We know there were lines elsewhere – driving northbound on California, we saw one (lots of umbrellas in view; the rain hasn’t let up yet) outside the Senior Center in The Junction. (Remember, your pix are welcome throughout the day and evening, editor@westseattleblog.com, as we’ll be chronicling Election Day — and Night — as it happens.) ADDED 7:19 AM: Alki News Beacon editor Cami MacNamara sends this shot of the line that had already formed inside the Alki Community Center lobby by quarter till 7:

7 Replies to "West Seattle Election Day 2008: First voters"

  • Sandra M November 4, 2008 (7:48 am)

    I just chatted with a volunteer poll worker at one of the polling places — West Seattle Senior Center. There are lots of voters there at the moment, and things seem to be moving along smoothly. So glad to see a good voter turnout this morning!
    I sent in my absentee ballot awhile back, so that election workers can properly store it ahead of time, and will not have as big of a workload later on. Sending in the ballots as early as possible leaves less room for error and confusion on election day.

  • JH November 4, 2008 (8:12 am)

    There was no line this morning at the polling place at Schmitz Park Grade School!

    I overheard someone saying if you wear the “voted” sticker to Starbucks, you get a free coffee. Wonder if that’s an urban legend…

  • JH November 4, 2008 (8:16 am)

    Never mind the Starbucks comment-I just found that addressed elsewhere on the blog!

  • Kayleigh November 4, 2008 (8:21 am)

    Just voted at Delridge. Definitely was crowded; too many people in too small a space. There were lines for people to use the privacy booths. Took me about 20 minutes. Maybe this was just the rush of the before-work crowd.

  • WSB November 4, 2008 (8:28 am)

    In the very early going, the process was running about 30 minutes at Admiral Church – Dennis Ross, shown above in line just before 7, was leaving around 7:30 just as I finished talking to Mayor and Mrs. Nickels – TR

  • Donna November 4, 2008 (9:28 am)

    I just got my free Starbucks coffee. Other freebies for voters – free doughnut at Krispy Kreme, free ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s, and my favorite, free toy at Babeland.

  • miws November 4, 2008 (1:19 pm)

    Voted around 11:30-ish at Gatewood. Several people there, but not much difference than usual. Had one person ahead of me at sign-in, and walked right up to one of the few open voting “booths”.


    I’m sure it was the time of day, which is why I went around that time. Didn’t care to wait in long lines at the times of the pre and post work crowds. Plus, since my time was flexible, didn’t want to be “one more’ person slowing things down for those that had no choice, because they deserve to get to work/home as soon as possible.



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