Two quick toplines from tonight’s city Board of Park Commissioners meeting: The nudity rules we covered yesterday are mostly toast. The board, led by vice chair Jackie Ramels of Alki, asked for more information on what complaints really had resulted from events for which permits had been issued (such as the World Naked Bike Ride, September photo at left shared by Mac), and suggested revisiting that in a few months; separately, they also asked staff to take a closer look at a possible clothing-optional beach. Dozens of people concerned about the proposed nudity rules showed up, but didn’t testify because this was a briefing, not a public hearing. Meantime, the plan to seek proposals for private operation of West Seattle Stadium moved forward. Read on for those details:
We first reported in September about the Parks Department’s plan to put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for potential private operators of West Seattle Stadium. The city says the stadium needs $4 million in renovations – $4 million it doesn’t have – and it’s willing to give someone a multi-year contract in exchange for those renovations getting done.
Tonight, parks board members approved the RFP as proposed last month (it’s included here), so it will go out shortly, and then proposals will be reviewed. Though this wasn’t a public hearing, some concern was expressed during the “public comments” time at the start of the meeting — Becca Gillespy from Club Northwest, a nonprofit track/field/running club, expressed concern about the possibility that the stadium might be converted to artificial turf, because that could hamper some track/field uses. (More of her concerns are detailed here.)
Once the RFP goes out next week, potential “proposers” have till Dec. 9 to turn in their proposals, which triggers a process of review and negotiation that could culminate in an operator being chosen next spring (City Council approval would be required).
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