Crime Watch reader report: Things that go off in the night

From NG in the 6500 block of 44th SW (map), a cautionary tale — read on:

At 1:25 am this morning (Sunday 11/16) I heard a neighbors car alarm go off. I waited heard some people talking it was turned off (eventually), i went to sleep. This morning my (unlocked-oops) car had been rifled through. everything out of the glove box etc. but nothing was stolen, not the detachable stereo, or the change in the console. I don’t think its the first time. Might explain why I can’t find my sunglasses.

I mention it this time because they were obviously going car to car…

and I should be more careful and want to give my neighbors the heads up.

NG adds that she has reported this to police (whose car-prowl prevention tips can be read here).

7 Replies to "Crime Watch reader report: Things that go off in the night"

  • Watcher November 16, 2008 (8:52 pm)

    That sounds familiar. We suspect our entire neighborhood has been victimized by the same person. We all think it’s the same kid, Skylar who was arrested last week for the Admiral burglaries. His girlfriend lives in the ramshackle blue apartments on the corner of Admiral and Belevidere. If he’s out on bail he’s out thieving.

  • LisaM November 16, 2008 (9:41 pm)

    We are on the 3000 block of 44th and my neighbor had many items stolen from his van – tools, etc. – last night so I guess 44th was the street of choice for the criminals last night.

  • WSB November 16, 2008 (10:11 pm)

    “Watcher,” the person you’re referring to has been in jail since 11/10, according to the King County Jail Register – I was just researching that in connection with that case.

  • P November 17, 2008 (8:14 am)

    Here is another tip, when I have service to my house or business, i.e. electrician, etc, I always tell them to lock up their vans because if they don’t their tools will vanish quickly.

  • yeldsy13 November 17, 2008 (9:03 am)

    Anyone notice markings in white chalk on the sidewalk near the Morgan St Junction & along Fauntleroy this weekend? My husband and I walked to the Starbucks at the Morgan St Junction and at various points along our walk there were strange notations made in chalk on the sidewalk. One was next to our car which we park on the street on Fauntleroy. It read “1-800” and there was a box drawn above it. Several homes had similar markings in front and at one street corner the following was written, “Did you see these 3?” with a sideways “6” prefacing the question.

  • Buddy November 17, 2008 (11:12 am)

    My car got ransacked on Saturday night while parked on 60th SW. They basically just made a mess and took the dock to my satellite radio… but the bonehead left the antenna behind, so it’s pretty much useless… whoever did it should swing by my house and I’ll hook them up with the parts that they left behind… and a punch in the face.

  • homesweethome November 17, 2008 (12:39 pm)

    Watcher – our secured condo garage in Admiral also has been hit – we too suspect we know the culprits but its not the person you refer too. There’s a couple of block watches around Admiral – any way folks from various groups would want to get together and compare notes if nothing else?

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