Truck flips on Genesee near Avalon, driver survives

Nasty night and more trouble on the roads – this time, a pickup truck flipped on Genesee near Avalon, blocking Genesee just east of Avalon (map) – the driver survived and is talking with police right now, while a towing crew figures out how to handle the truck. We’ll have a picture in a bit. ADDED 9:54 PM: Our short video clip shows the tow truck starting to work to get the overturned pickup off the top of that steep section of road (we had to stop rolling to get out of the truck’s way).

5 Replies to "Truck flips on Genesee near Avalon, driver survives"

  • Mags November 22, 2008 (9:33 am)

    I used to live by Delridge and Genesee when they first built this road. We were going to get our Christmas tree and my soon to be husband had borrowed a car from his roomate. Well, the car had bald tires and right at the top at Avalon we started sliding backwards.

    To this day, I don’t know how he was able to turn the car around going down the hill (barely missing the telephone pole near the bottom)

    When the road is wet and you don’t have good tires, this could easily happen. I have hated that hill ever since. Hope the driver is ok.

  • Nants November 22, 2008 (11:08 am)

    I had a Ford Ranger manual transmission truck when I first moved to the neighborhood. I could NOT get up Genesee when it was wet if I had to stop anywhere but at the top. A friend thought it was because I wasn’t a good driver, so he tried it, and he couldn’t either. Yeah, that hill is a bear. But how in the heck did the truck flip???

  • Ian Page-Echols November 22, 2008 (2:04 pm)

    I know it’s sort of a bad hill, but the only way the truck could have ended up at the angle it was at was probably taking the corner way too fast going down the hill from the South and turning East. I suppose bald tires would help get into that sort of situation though.

    There was another situation like this in August, and I have no idea how the two cars from that incident could have ended up in the final positions they were in. It inspired me to create this image: I apologize if this car had nothing to do with causing whatever happened. It was just a ridiculous image that popped into my mind from seeing this car sitting on another car’s wheel.

  • Jake November 22, 2008 (11:58 pm)

    From what I heard from an eyewitness was that the driver was highly intoxicated. The fact that he was not wearing his seatbelt and still emerged unhurt is incredible.

  • WSB November 23, 2008 (12:40 am)

    Our person at the scene did see a sobriety test being administered. However, that also can be SOP in a case like this.

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